Updates: Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual
R&D Tax Reliefs: reformed reliefs: claims process: additional information form
Additional information on NI ERIS claims process
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: subsidies (SME scheme only)
Updated to reflect FtT decisions
Updates to "subsidised expenditure"
Redraft following FtT decisions
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: SME scheme claims and time limits
Re-written page to make clearer and to reflect new requirements post 1/4/2023
R&D tax relief: introduction: R&D Compliance contact details
Removed reference to HMRC calling back in response to email
R&D tax reliefs: reformed reliefs: Contracted out R&D: contents
Amended page title to be consistent with others
R&D tax relief: introduction: R&D Compliance contact details
Added paragraph 6
R&D tax relief: SME scheme: pre-trading expenditure
Updating for the 2023 change in superdeduction rate from 230% to 186%
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: asset conditions: requirement that asset must be fixed
Reorganised content and added references to cryptoassets and carbon credits.
R&D Tax Reliefs: reformed reliefs: ERIS: calculation: pre-trading companies
Change to "conditions for the election"
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: claims and time limits
Adding in G Form requirements
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: intellectual property (SME scheme only)
Removed reference to Ark Engineering Ltd and updated reference to CS&TD
R&D tax reliefs: large company scheme: claims by an SME
Page archived as it is a duplicate of CIRD88500
R&D tax relief: introduction: R&D Specialist Units
R&D tax relief: introduction: R&D Compliance contact details
Change of title from "Specialist Units" to Compliance.
Removed direction to telephone CT helpline
Amended addressee on postal address
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: DSIT Guidelines - application to pharmaceuticals
Adding back text lost during previous update
Land Remediation Relief: What is "land in a contaminated state"? Contents
Pages added to section CIRD61010,CIRD61015,CIRD61020,CIRD61025,CIRD61030,CIRD61035,CIRD61040.CIRD61045
Patent Box: streaming: contents
Page to be archived
Patent Box: overview of the patent box regime: where to obtain further information
updating contact details
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: company subject to CT
Added CIRD89850 and links
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: company as member of partnership
Insert CIRD89850
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: allowable as a deduction in computing the profit
re-arranged paragraphs and content added
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: subcontracted R&D
Second paragraph edited- information deleted
updates links
R&D Tax reliefs: R&D expenditure credit (RDEC) Scheme: overview
updated links and content edited
updated and deleted links
R&D Tax reliefs: R&D expenditure credit (RDEC) scheme: company as a member of a partnership
updated links
R&D tax relief: legislative structure and time line: time line for changes
extra lines added
R&D tax relief: simple guide for small companies
withdrawn note
R&D tax relief: categories of qualifying expenditure: externally provided workers - definition
updated links and RDEC
R&D tax relief: examining a claim: expense records
edited and updated links
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: DSIT Guidelines - application to pharmaceuticals
DSIT updated
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: effect of notified State aid
SME scheme only removed. First paragraph updated. Removal of large company to RDEC.
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: company a going concern
Added point to table, final paragraph updated and content added and emitted
R&D tax reliefs: categories of qualifying expenditure: externally provided workers
deleted overseas
R&D tax reliefs: categories of qualifying expenditure: software
edited existed content
R&D tax reliefs: categories of qualifying expenditure: overview
Paragraph deletion
Removed 'accounting argument' section on advice of CAA
Patent Box : Terms of the Fraction: R&D Direct expenditure CTA10/s357BLB
Overseas Expenditure Provisions and Contracted Out Expenditure
Patent Box: Terms of the R&D fraction : R&D subcontractor expenditure CTA10/s357BLC and BLD
Overseas Expenditure Provisions and Contracted Out R&D update
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: finance income and excluded income
inclusion of Income arising from Audio Visual Expenditure Credits or Video Games Expenditure Credits as excluded income
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: routine return figure: deductions that are not routine deductions
Addition of guidance relating to AVEC and VGEC
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: contents
Addition of page 81805
R&D tax relief: SME definition: SME status flowchart for 2003/361/EC
page to be removed
Patent Box : new regime: The terms of the R&D fraction CTA10/s357BLA - BLE
added sentence on PB research fraction not needing to include RDEC/R&D Tax Credit expenditure
Patent Box: new regime: Tracking and tracing R&D expenditure CTA10/s357BLB
added sentence that R&D expenditure does not need to have been included in a R&D Tax Credits or RDEC claim to be used in the PB Research Fraction
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: head 2: licence fees and royalties
updated legislative references
Patent Box: new regime: Tracking and tracing R&D expenditure CTA10/s357BLB
updated legislative references
Patent Box: new regime: example of Patent Box calculation
updated to remove old references
Patent Box: new regime: how the new rules for CSAs apply to the Patent Box calculation
removing old rules as outdated and split into 2 pages for clarity
updated examples for greater clarity
Patent Box: new regime: how the new rules apply for Cost Sharing Arrangements (CSAs): contents
added new page
Patent Box: new regime : Streaming income requirement CTA10/ s357BF and s357BQ
updated to remove old rules
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right
updated to include old rules only for the purpose of patents pending
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right: how the relief is given
reworked example
Patent Box: relevant IP losses and inheritance of R&D fraction: transfer of a trade or part trade
updated to remove old legislation
Patent Box: new regime: Are my qualifying IP rights in the old or new regime? CTA10/ s357BP
updated to apply only to patent pending calculations
Patent Box: new regime: Are my qualifying IP rights in the old or new regime: examples
updated to apply only to patent pending calculations
Patent Box: new regime: Transitional provisions from the old regime CTA10/s357BQ
Patent Box : new regime : transfer of trade provisions
updated to remove reference to grandfathering
Patent Box: new regime: Products containing both old and new qualifying IP rights CTA10/s357BQ
updated to reflect now only applicable to patent pending calculations
Patent Box: new regime: Tracking and tracing R&D expenditure CTA10/s357BLB
updated legislative references
updated to clarify
Patent Box : new regime: small claims treatment for global streaming CTA10/s357BNC
updated to clarify
Patent Box: new regime: Calculation steps preparation CTA10/s357BF as modified by s357BQ
removing outdated 'old rules for Patent Box
Patent Box: new regime: example of Patent Box calculation
updated to remove old references
R&D tax relief: large company scheme: Updated Large Business practice note
Page archived
R&D tax reliefs: large company scheme: contents
Links to CIRD85100 archived
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: elections for small claims treatment: entry criteria
removed old rules and updated legislation, and clarified the guidance on when a previous SCT election is required
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: elections for small claims treatment: small claims amount: MAR
updated legislation
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: total gross income of a trade: finance income and excluded income
removed phrase 'total gross income' as phrase no longer within Patent Box legislation and s357CB as removed by FA16
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: non-medical use claims
updated terminology for clarification, updated example
Changed the two SIs following revocation of earlier regulations
addition of just and reasonable to example 2
Patent Box : new regime : Calculation Flowchart
New Patent box calculation flowchart and the wording flow has been updated.
Patent Box: new regime: Calculation steps continued CTA10/s357BF as modified by s357BQ
removing outdated 'old' rules for Patent Box
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: routine return figure
updated to reflect streaming computation
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: routine return figure: routine deductions
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: routine return figure: deductions that are not routine deductions
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: routine return figure: example
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: marketing assets return figure: notional marketing royalty
updated legislation
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: marketing assets return figure: actual marketing royalty
updated legislation
Patent Box: new regime : when to start tracking and tracing R&D expenditure CTA10/s357BLF
updated to remove rules which are outdated
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: total gross income of a trade
removing phrase 'total gross income' as it is no longer features in Patent Box
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: overview
update legislative references and remove 'total gross income' which is a phrase no longer used in Patent Box
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: head 1: sales income
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: head 1: sales income: packaging
updated legislative references
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: head 2: licence fees and royalties
updated legislative references
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: head 3: proceeds of realisation
update legislative reference, remove reference to total gross income as no longer in Patent Box
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: notional royalties: leasing income
removed reference to total gross income and updated legislative references
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: excluded income
updated legislative references
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: mixed sources of income
updated legislative references
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: medical use claims
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: software: introduction
updated legislative reference
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: software: income earned
updated legislative references
Patent Box: relevant IP losses: set-off amount: allocation within a group
merged with CIRD240110, 240120 and removed old rules
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: overview
amended to apply new rules to all
Patent Box: reduced CT rate for profits from patents
removing references to outdated 'old' rules for Patent Box
Patent Box : New Regime : Terms of the Fraction: R&D Direct expenditure CTA10/s357BLB
Including Spring Budget 2023 change to include expenditure on data licences and cloud computing services to align with these costs being included as R&D qualifying costs.
fixing hyperlink
Patent Box: reduced CT rate for profits from patents: patent box election
Explanation and example of the change to the Patent Box deduction formula made in Spring Budget 2023 as a consequential amendment to having more than one rate of corporation tax.
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: contents
update to add new page to contents
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: DSIT Guidelines (2023) - text
New page for the revised Guidelines which became law on 31 March 2023
Fixing typos
R&D tax relief: SME Flowchart Guide to R&D tax credits
Removing link to now out dated 'Simple Guide'
updates to what is to be included under 'A' in R&D Fraction
Patent Box: new regime: R&D fraction: contents
Adding Page link
Patent Box: new regime : Streaming income requirement CTA10/ s357BF and s357BQ
clarification that expenditure is brought forward into the Fraction not the stream itself
Reinvestment relief: general matters and conditions to be satisfied: form of claim
Changed six-year to four-year (effective from 1 April 2010).
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: head 2: licence fees and royalties
including option agrements within Head 2
Core computational rules: taxable credits: ‘negative goodwill’ referable to intangible assets
Amendments to first section to align more closely with the wording in the relevant accounting standard. Amendments to second section to clarify how Part 8 applies to negative goodwill.
Introduction to manual: contact point
Updated contact details
R&D tax relief: SME scheme: payable tax credit - restriction of the credit inc PAYE cap
Updating guidance to include 2022 PAYE CAP
Making some capitals bold
Patent Box: supplementary: revocation of a Patent Box election
clarification of revocation of elections 5 year limit before opting back in
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles, Research & Development: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles, Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual: recent changes
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual: recent changes
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Corporate Intangibles and Research & Development Manual: update index
Page archived - old legacy update page now obsolete
Amendments to first and last paragraph.
Amendments to first and last paragraphs.
Intangible assets: groups: tax-neutral transfers: conditions
New final para added - novations of contracts.
Content moved from CIRD44060 in relation to business acquisitions with additional changes to existing text.
Content under the heading 'Business' moved to CIRD44080.
Update to clearance team name and contact details in line with other updated pages.
Intangible assets: groups: tax-neutral transfers: points to watch
Update to reflect new commencement rule.
Intangible assets: company reorganisations: transfer of business without consideration: conditions
Update to clearance team contact details.
Update re. assets covered by clearance application and clearance team contact details.
Intangible assets: international issues: contents
New page added to index CIRD47070
Intangible assets: groups: tax-neutral transfers: conditions
Update to explain the S18A exclusion.
Intangible assets: company reorganisations: advance clearances: general
Update re. scope of S831 clearances and clearance team contact details.
Intangible assets: groups: tax-neutral transfers: points to watch
Update guidance for transfers to EEA, and non-transfers.
Patent Box: supplementary: revocation of a Patent Box election
updated to clarify that the 5 year bar applies to the new rules
Patent Box: qualifying companies: qualifying IP rights: rights to which Part 8A applies
changes to add new UK rights after UK Transition and to clarify the term 'holding' a right.
Updated to include new UK rights after UK transition on 1/1/21
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: notional royalties: IP derived income
updated to clarify notional royalty calculation
updated to clarify the notional royalty calculation
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: notional royalties: summary of calculations
updated to clarify notional royalty calculation
updated to clarify notional royalty calculation
Patent Box: new regime: What is meant by the old and new regime? CTA10/ s357BO
reminder that company may elect into new regime early
Patent Box: qualifying companies: qualifying IP rights: rights to which Part 8A applies
changes to add new UK rights after UK Transition and to clarify the term 'holding' a right.
Patent Box: qualifying companies: contents
added new page CIRD210175
Intangible assets: avoidance: introduction
Guidance update as part of FA20 review.
Intangible assets: avoidance: structural defences and their limitations
Consequential updates to guidance to reflect changes made by FA20 from 1 July 2020
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: outline
Guidance updated regarding transfers
Consequential amendments to guidance to reflect changes made by FA20 from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets: related party rules: circumstances where relevant
Consequential amendments made to guidance to reflect FA20 changes introduced from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets: related party rules: partnership incorporation of a pre-FA 2002 business: outline
Consequential amendments to guidance for changes made by FA19.
Guidance updated to reflect new rules from 1/1/2020 introduced by FA19
Guidance updated to reflect changes made by FA19 with effect from 1 January 2020.
Intangible assets: just and reasonable apportionment: introduction
Consequential amendments made to guidance for FA20 changes.
Intangible assets: just and reasonable apportionment: HMRC's approach to apportionment
Consequential amendments to guidance to reflect changes made by FA20 from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule exceptions: fungible assets: introduction
Guidance updated for new fungible assets rules introduced by FA20.
Guidance updated for changes to fungible asset rules introduced in FA20 from 1 July 2020.
Guidance updated for changes to fungible asset rules from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets: introduction: background
Consequential update for FA20 changes
Intangible assets: introduction: chronology of CTA09 reforms
Updates to guidance to reflect FA20 change to commencement rule and introduction of special rules
Intangible assets: introduction: overview of CTA09/PART8 tax rules
Guidance updated to reflect changes made by FA20
Intangible assets: introduction: link with accountancy
Consequential guidance updated to reflect changes made by FA20 to the commencement rule.
Intangible assets: introduction: commencement of the Part 8 regime: pre-FA 2002 assets
Minor update to reflect change to commencement rule from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets: introduction: assets outside CTA09 rules: location of guidance
Guidance updated to reflect change to commencement rule from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets: introduction: related parties
Minor update to reflect change to commencement rule from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets: introduction: valuation issues
Guidance updated to reflect FA20 changes from 1 July 2020
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: asset conditions: introduction
Guidance updated to reflect FA20 changes from 1 July 2020
Consequential amendments to guidance for FA20 changes.
Guidance updated for ATAD rule change effective from 1 January 2020
Guidance updated for FA20.
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: asset acquired on or after 1 July 2020
title corrected
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: flowcharts
New Flowchart A added re FA20 amendments
Intangible assets regime: contents
Adding new chapter CIRD46000+ to contents page
Add new chapter at CIRD46000
Adding new page CIRD46000
Updating contents page
Adding new page CIRD46000 to contents page
Intangible assets: special rules for restricted assets: contents
Amend page number to upper case
Correcting page naming error
Amended title
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: introduction
Updated to reflect changes made by FA20 from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: outline
Guidance updated to reflect changes made by FA20 from 1 July 2020
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: asset created by company on or after 1 April 2002
Consequential amendments to guidance following FA20 changes from 1 July 2020
Consequential amendments for FA20 changes which apply from 1 July 2020
Consequential updates to guidance for FA20, effective from 1 July 2020.
Consequential update for FA20 changes from 1 July 2020
Consequential amendments for FA20 changes effective from 1 July 2020.
Consequential amendments for FA20 from 1 July 2020.
Consequential amendments to guidance for FA20 changes effective from 1 July 2020
Consequential updates for changes made by FA20 effective from 1 July 2020.
Consequential amendments for FA20 changes effective from 1 July 2020.
Minor updates made with other changes to this chapter for FA20
Guidance updated to reflect FA20 changes effective from 1 July 2020.
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: contents
Add new page CIRD11655 to contents page
Clarified the example
publishing new page re FA20
Intangible assets: Special rules for restricted assets: introduction
Publish guidance re FA20
published guidance re FA20
publish guidance re FA20
publish guidance re FA20
Intangible assets: special rules for restricted assets: overview of Chapter 16A
Publish guidance re FA20
publish guidance re FA20
Intangible assets: special rules for restricted assets: the special rules – section 900B case
publish guidance re FA20
Intangible assets: special rules for restricted assets: The special rules – supplementary provisions
publish guidance re FA20
Added text regarding information required
Intangible assets: GAAP: conformity with: need to involve HMRC advisory accountants
Remove unwanted text.
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: contents
Add two new pages to contents
Land Remediation Relief: contents
Add new page
Add page
Update accounting text to reflect recent accounting changes.
Leasing of intangible assets: lessees: scope
Remove the word "finance"
Intangible assets excluded from CTA09/PART8: contents
Add new page to index
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: definition and when to capitalise: goodwill
update for accountancy principles and negative goodwill
Core computational rules: taxable credits: ‘negative goodwill’ referable to intangible assets
Update for negative goodwill to reflect IFRS 3.
Leasing of intangible assets: outline
Updated guidance to reflect IFRS 16.
Leasing of intangible assets: contents
Remove word 'leasing'
Leasing of intangible assets: accountancy background
Updated for change in accounting rules for leases.
Intangible assets: GAAP: conformity with: need to involve HMRC advisory accountants
Updates to references to advisory accountant.
update for advisory accountants in title
Update for changes of accounting practice.
updated for accountancy changes
Amend incorrect date.
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: internally generated assets
update for change in accounting principles
Introduction to manual: abbreviations used
Add IFRS to list of terms used
Intangible assets: introduction: background
Updated to reflect current accounting principles.
Updated accounting references.
Patent Box: new regime : Streaming income requirement CTA10/ s357BF and s357BQ
clarification that non relevant income stream is the standard stream mentioned in the legislation. Link to requirement to make a protective election for Small Claims Treatment under s357BN(3).
The change reflects the legislation at s357BN(3) which prevents a Small Claims Treatment election from being made if one has not been made in an earlier year of the new rules, even if a notional royalty had not been needed in that earlier year.
Patent Box : new regime: small claims treatment for global streaming CTA10/s357BNC
Advising that the legislation at s357BN(3) requires a protective global streaming election to be made, from the first year of using the new rules, even if it is not required in an earlier year because there is only one stream.
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right
addition advising that s357CQ applies only to rights within para a) - c) of s357BB per the legislative wording
Guidance updated to clarify the rules.
additional examples
Added text to aid understanding
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: introduction
Update page based on feedback and to make it clearer
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: introduction to FA19 rules
Guidance updated based on feedback to make the page clearer
Guidance updated to make it clearer.
Guidance updated based on feedback and to make it clearer
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: Nature of full restriction
Page updated based on feedback and to make it clearer
Page updated to make it clearer and remove content now included on new pages CIRD44076 - CIRD 44078.
Page updated based on feedback and to make the rules clearer.
Further guidance added on relevant definitions.
Minor updates based on feedback received to clarify the rules.
Example added and further changes to help clarify the rules.
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: The partial restrictions on debits
Guidance updated based on feedback to make the rules clearer.
Intangible assets: Restriction on relevant assets: The partial restriction on realisations
Guidance updated based on feedback to help clarify the rules.
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: contents
Add three no pages to chapter and index
Intangible assets: groups: tax-neutral transfers: effect
clarification on the effect of tax neutral transfer
Intangible assets: groups: tax-neutral transfers: points to watch
Update guidance to reflect draft legislation being proposed for next Finance Bill.
Add reference to tax neutral transfers s775 CTA09 and clarified series payments.
Patent Box: relevant IP losses and inheritance of R&D fraction: transfer of a trade or part trade
clarification of the need to review exclusive licence conditions to see whether Transfer of Trade s357GCA applies.
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: contents
removing duplicate contents page
to remove contents page references
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: unpaid degrouping charge: recovery from others: procedures
removing reference to 'him'
R&D tax relief: categories of qualifying expenditure: externally provided workers - definition
remove references to him and he etc.
Intangible assets: company reorganisations: advance clearances: common reasons for refusal
FA19 updated guidance
FA19 new rules added
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: principal company becoming member of another group
FA19 rule changes
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: outline of rules
FA19 update
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: contents
Adding new pages to index
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: reallocation between group members: candidates
Clarification on format of elections
Update to include reference to s893 CTA09
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: contents
Updated index
Adding new pages for FA19 rules.
Change short title
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: introduction
Updating introduction page to include FA19 goodwill changes
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: F2A15 rules
Updated for FA19 rule changes
Updated to reflect changes to fixed rate
Updated for FA19 changes to fixed rates
Update to BAI and changes to fixed rate for FA19
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: asset conditions: goodwill
Updated to include FA19 goodwill changes
Intangible assets: introduction: link with accountancy
Updated for FA19 Goodwill rules
Updated to include changes from FA19 rule change.
Intangible assets: introduction: chronology of CTA09 reforms
Updated to include FA19 goodwill changes
Update change to Chapter title
Updated to include FA19 rule changes.
Intangible assets: Restrictions for goodwill and relevant assets: F2A15 realisations
Amendment to title and updated to include loss restriction changes.
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right
added sentence to clatify that only tax rates and taper releif rate from year of grant are used
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: internally generated assets
Update for new UK GAAP
FA02 updated to CTA09
Intangible assets: related party rules: market value rule: general
added hyperlink
Intangible assets: related party rules: market value rule: interaction with transfer pricing code
Amendments made to update recent changes, including those made in F(2)A 2015 and FA2018.
explaining that acquisition costs need to use arm's length valuation as they fall within s147 TIOPA 10
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right: how the relief is given
hyperlinks added and example now clarifies that only year of grant tax rates used
R&D tax relief: SME Flowchart Guide to R&D tax credits
reformatted flowchart, same information
Intangible assets: avoidance: FA18/S20: intangible asset realisation involving non-monetary receipts
Updating draft guidance following the enactment of Finance Act 2018.
Intangible assets: avoidance: related party licence examples
Draft guidance updated following enactment of Finance Act 2018.
R&D tax relief: conditions to be satisfied: contents
added link to new page CIRD81980 Case Studies
Patent Box: supplementary: contents
inserted new page CIRD260135 on CSA changes
Patent Box: supplementary: cost sharing arrangements
Linking the existing CSA Guidance to the new Guidance following changes in legislation
Patent Box: CSA: identifying S1 and S2 in complex CSAs - a series of steps
new page providing series of steps to identify S1 and S2 of the R&D fraction in complex CSAs
Patent Box: new regime: contents
added CSA contents page
added new page 277000 example
Patent Box: new regime : Streaming income requirement CTA10/ s357BF and s357BQ
explaining how blue sky R&D expenditure unrelated to an exisiting sub-stream is treated
Pass through costs section revised and example added, and link to new CSA rules inserted
Patent Box: new regime: example of Patent Box calculation
Updating guidance as a result ofconsultation with members of the Research and Develpment Consultative Committee
Updated to clarify application of BEIS Guidelines to software development projects
Reinvestment relief: computation: interaction with CG roll-over relief: flowchart
update the flowchart
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: general conditions for adjustment
added text on the interaction of s780 with s730 and s816A
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: introduction
Citation updates
Intangible assets: company re-organisations: overview
Cross border exchange of information reporting links added
Intangible assets: groups: degrouping: outline of rules
Adding clarification on the effect of the deeming provision at s780 CTA09
Intangible assets: avoidance: related party licence not granted at market value
Updated draft guidance following enactment of Finance Act 2018.
R&D tax relief: SME Flowchart Guide to R&D tax credits
formatting corrections and introduction
R&D tax relief: introduction: contents
added flowchart CIRD100000 to contents
Addition following F(2)A17 changes
update for losses changes in F2A17
addition of legislation Part 5A CTA10
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS10/IAS38
Page archived
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: contents
Links to 30510-30525 archived
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS11/IAS36
Page archived
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS7/IFRS3
Page archived
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS for Smaller Entities
Page archived
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: impairment review
Page archived
page archived
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: impairment loss
Page archived
Intangible assets: avoidance: contents
Updated to include new pages
Core computational rules: realisation of assets: meaning of realisation proceeds
Updated cross references to new guidance
Intangible assets: related party rules: circumstances where relevant
Updated to include new provisions for related party licences.
Intangible assets: related party rules: market value rule: general
Updated to include changes introduced in 2015 for related to related party step up schemes.
Patent Box: new regime: contents
link to highlight transfer of trade provisions in CIRD240160
Patent Box: streaming: overview
preface to new regime
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: overview
inclusion of new regime in this summary
Patent Box: qualifying companies: exclusive licence: meaning of ‘exclusive licence’
clarification of exclusive licences
Patent Box: qualifying companies: contents
add in CIRD210145
added example showing small claims election with link
Patent Box: supplementary: how to make a Patent Box election
clarifying that there can be no late election
Patent Box: supplementary: revocation of a Patent Box election
clarifaction that there is no provision for a revocation to be made 'late'
Patent Box: streaming: determining relevant IP profits
removed the 'excluding transfer pricing adjustments' as those that are to be regarded as taxable credits of trade should be included
Patent Box: relevant IP losses and inheritance of R&D fraction: transfer of a trade or part trade
amendments relating to glitches within s357GCA
Patent Box: supplementary: revocation of a Patent Box election
clarification of wording
Patent Box: overview of the patent box regime: where to obtain further information
updated contact details
R&D tax relief: introduction: R&D Specialist Units
Removing details of old units
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS10/IAS38
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS11/IAS36
new regime chapter following FA16
Patent Box: overview of the patent box regime: history of the patent box
update explaining why new regime introduced
Patent Box: reduced CT rate for profits from patents
revised to include new regime
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: contents
updated following FA16
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: steps for calculating relevant IP profits of a trade (old regime)
updating for new regime
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: total gross income of a trade: finance income and excluded income
update for new regime
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: calculating profits or losses of a trade
update to include FA16 changes
Update for New UK GAAP and FA16 legislation
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: elections for small claims treatment: entry criteria
update to include FA16
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: elections for small claims treatment: small claims amount: MAR
update for FA16
Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right
update for FA16
Patent Box: relevant IP losses and inheritance of R&D fraction: transfer of a trade or part trade
to include FA16
Patent Box: anti-avoidance: contents
new contents page CIRD250140
Patent Box: anti-avoidance: tax advantage schemes
update for FA16
Patent Box: supplementary: revocation of a Patent Box election
update FA16
Updated to include additional circumstances when cost needs to be adjusted
adding new chapter
This update clarifies the correct procedure for applying for clearance (necessitated by a recent Tribunal decision which highlighted the issue of applications made by the wrong party) and refers to the most up-to-date legislation.
Amendment to previous change (removing extraneous paragraph)
Intangible assets: company reorganisations: contents
To add new section on clearances
Updating index
Intangible assets: company reorganisations: advance clearances: common reasons for refusal
Additional subject guidance
New page dealing with a licence granted by a related party.
New page introducing changes made by S70 FA 2009.
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: asset created by company on or after 1 April 2002
FA09 amendment to s885 update
Amended for FA09 changes to s885
Amended for FA09 changes
Intangible assets within CTA09/PART8: FA02 rule: introduction
General update and expansion of page information.
Revised for FA09 amendment to s885
Amended for FA09 changes
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS7/IFRS3
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets excluded from CTA09/PART8: assets outside FRS102 s18: rights over tangible assets
Update for New UK GAAP
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: amortisation
Update for new UK GAAP
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: impairment
Update for new UK GAAP
FA02 updated to CTA09
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: revaluations
Update for New UK GAAP
FA02 updated to CTA09
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS10/IAS38
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS11/IAS36
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: FRS for Smaller Entities
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: impairment review
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: impairment loss
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Intangible assets: notes on accounting practice: disclosure requirements
Superseded by FRS102 guidance
Updated for FRS102 and FA15 and F2A15