CIRD220000 - Patent Box: relevant IP profits: contents
CIRD220100Relevant IP profits: overview
CIRD220130relevant IP profits: finance income and excluded income
CIRD220150Relevant IP income: sub contents
CIRD220430Routine return figure
CIRD220440Routine return figure: routine deductions
CIRD220450Routine return figure: deductions that are not routine deductions
CIRD220460Routine return figure: example
CIRD220470Elections for small claims treatment: entry criteria
CIRD220480Elections for small claims treatment: small claims amount
CIRD220490Marketing assets return figure
CIRD220500Marketing assets return figure: notional marketing royalty
CIRD220510Marketing assets return figure: notional marketing royalty: assumptions
CIRD220520Marketing assets return figure: notional marketing royalty: examples
CIRD220530Marketing assets return figure: actual marketing royalty
CIRD220540Profits arising before grant of right
CIRD220550Patent Box: relevant IP profits: profits arising before grant of right: how relief is given