CIRD220150 - Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: sub contents
CIRD220160Relevant IP income: overview
CIRD220170Relevant IP income: head 1: sales income
CIRD220180Relevant IP income: head 1: sales income: packaging
CIRD220190Relevant IP income: head 1: sales income: examples
CIRD220200Relevant IP income: head 2: licence fees and royalties
CIRD220210Relevant IP income: head 2: licence fees and royalties: examples
CIRD220220Relevant IP income: head 3: proceeds of realisation
CIRD220230Relevant IP income: heads 4 and 5: infringement income, damages, insurance proceeds and other compensation
CIRD220240Relevant IP income: heads 4 and 5: infringement income, damages, insurance proceeds and other compensation: example
CIRD220250Relevant IP income: notional royalties: IP derived income
CIRD220251Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: notional royalties: how to calculate the 'appropriate percentage'
CIRD220252Patent Box: relevant IP profits: relevant IP income: notional royalties: examples
CIRD220255Relevant IP income: notional royalties: leasing income
CIRD220260Relevant IP income: notional royalties: summary of calculations
CIRD220270Relevant IP income: notional royalties: transfer pricing principles: assumptions
CIRD220280Relevant IP income: excluded income
CIRD220290Relevant IP income: mixed sources of income
CIRD220300Relevant IP income: medical use claims
CIRD220305Relevant IP income: method and process patents
CIRD220310Relevant IP income: software: introduction
CIRD220315Relevant IP income: software: income earned
CIRD220320Relevant IP income: software: examples
CIRD220325Relevant IP income: patented software: further examples