CIRD270000 - Patent Box: calculation steps and examples: contents
CIRD270300Patent Box: patent pending calculations: Are my qualifying IP rights in the old or new regime: examples
CIRD270200Patent Box: patent pending calculation: Are my qualifying IP rights in the old or new regime?
CIRD271000Patent Box: patent pending calculation: Transitional provisions from the old regime
CIRD271600Patent Box: patent pending calculation: Products containing both old and new IP
CIRD271100Patent Box : transfer of trade
CIRD271500Patent Box: Considering streaming income requirement
CIRD272000Patent Box: Tracking and tracing R&D expenditure
CIRD272100Patent Box: nature of records to keep for tracking and tracing
CIRD272200Patent Box: when to start tracking and tracing R&D expenditure
CIRD273100Patent Box: small claims treatment for notional royalty appropriate percentage
CIRD273200Patent Box : small claims treatment for global streaming
CIRD274000Patent Box: R&D fraction: contents
CIRD275000Patent Box : Calculation Flowchart
CIRD275100Patent Box: Calculation steps preparation
CIRD275200Patent Box: Streaming calculation steps
CIRD275300Patent Box, examples of streaming calculations
CIRD275500Patent Box: using the Value Fraction in exceptional circumstances
CIRD276000Patent Box: Cost Sharing Arrangements (CSAs): contents
CIRD277000Patent Box: example of Patent Box calculation