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CIRD25170 - Intangible assets excluded from CTA09/PART8 as special tax rules apply: research and development: computational provisions which continue to apply


In line with the approach described in CIRD25160, the following provisions in CTA09/PART8/CHAPTER2-4 continue to apply to an asset that represents expenditure on research and development:

  • CTA09/S721 (receipts recognised as they accrue);
  • CTA09/S722 (receipts in respect of royalties so far as not dealt with under S722);
  • CTA09/S732 (debits on reversal of previous accounting gain - to the extent the accounting gains represent credits brought to account under S721); and
  • all the provisions in CTA09/PART8/CHAPTER4 except that no deductions are to be made from receipts on the realisation of the asset under S735 and S736.

The other provisions in CTA09/PART8/CHAPTERS2-4 do not apply.