CIRD70000 - Telecommunications licences and rights: contents
CIRD70105Introduction: how the guidance is organised
CIRD70110Introduction: outline
CIRD70150Introduction: the legislation: FA00/S87
CIRD70155Introduction: the legislation: FA00/SCH23
CIRD70305Wireless telegraphy licences: background
CIRD70320Wireless telegraphy licences: auctions
CIRD70330Wireless telegraphy licences: further information
CIRD70340IRUs: background
CIRD70350IRUs: particular points
CIRD70355IRUs: granting of
CIRD70360Wireless telegraphy licences and IRUs: derived rights
CIRD70400How the legislation works: introduction
CIRD70405How the legislation works: expenditure on acquisitions
CIRD70410How the legislation works: receipts from disposals
CIRD70415How the legislation works: revaluations
CIRD70420How the legislation works: traders and non-traders
CIRD70505Accounting and groups: ‘taken into account’
CIRD70510Accounting and groups: group accounts
CIRD70600Accounting and groups: commencement provisions
CIRD70605Accounting and groups: date of acquisition
CIRD70610Accounting and groups: acquisition from associates or associated companies
CIRD70620Accounting and groups: controlled foreign companies
CIRD70705Transition to intangible regime: transitional provisions (CT only)
CIRD70710Transition to intangible regime: reinvestment relief (CT only)