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COM45051 - Case records: records work lists: registered office RLS list (RRLS) (Action Guide)

To deal with cases on the Registered Office RLS work list in the CT responsible office consider steps 1 - 10 below. You should also consider the RLS process flowcharts at the end of this guide.

The guide is presented as follows.

Step 1 Initial action

Steps 2 – 3 Outstanding debt on COTAX

Steps 4 – 6 No outstanding COTAX debt

Steps 7 – 10 Reviewing cases

Below Flowcharts

Initial action

1. Use function RRLS (Registered Office RLS List).

Select the entry that you want to work and select the [View] button to see all available details for the case, including whether there are any arrears for the company.

Outstanding debt on COTAX

Where there are outstanding debts on COTAX, the Tracing Unit tries to trace a new address.

2. Use function VPPD (View Payments and Postings Details) to check the pursuit status.

  • Where the status of at least one AP is LA go to step 3.
  • Where the status is not LA, send an email to the Tracing Unit mailbox at CT, Tracing Unit North, (DMB) providing them with the UTR and AP of the record and ask them to make the outstanding charge LA, then go to step 3.

3. Enter a B/F date of 14 weeks from the date of entry and if you work in CT Services, enter the standard B/F note of WAA TU.

No outstanding COTAX debt

4. Try to trace a new address by viewing the latest online return, where received, contacting the agent, contacting the directors, checking other heads of duty and using internet search engines such as Google.

5. Where a new address is found, contact the company and ask them to update their registered office address at Companies House and B/F the case until the new address has been received.

The case is automatically deleted from the work list when Companies House records have been updated and the address on COTAX amended.

6. Where a new address cannot be found, enter a B/F date of 12 months, and if you work in CT Services, add the standard B/F note of WAA NT.

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Reviewing cases

7. You should filter the work list to review cases at the end of the 14 week B/F and cases at the end of the 12 month B/F.

8. Where the case is at the 14 week B/F stage, use VPPD (View Payments and Postings Details) to check if there are any outstanding debts on COTAX.

  • Where there are, B/F the case for a further 14 weeks.
  • Where the debt has been paid or reduced to nil you must try to trace the address. Go to step 4 onwards for further guidance.
  • Where the debt has been remitted in full, enter a B/F date of 12 months, and if you work in CT Services, add the standard B/F note of WAA NT.

9. Where the case is at the 12 month B/F stage, repeat step 4 onwards to try a further trace of a new address.

10. Continue to review each case at the 12 month stage, do not delete them from the work list.

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RLS process flowcharts

Flowchart 1 Initial receipt of RLS item (Word 49Kb)

Flowchart 2 Establishing if there is an objection to striking off (Word 33Kb)

Flowchart 3 Tracking the registered office address (Word 41Kb)

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