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CDSSG05000 - Step-By-Step Guide to completing a CDS Customs Declaration: Contents

Sections CDSSG06000 - CDSSG13000 provide guidance on each part of the process to be followed when making a customs declaration or Customs Clearance Request (CCR) to CDS.

The steps outlined in this Manual should be followed in their entirety and in the order given. Failure to complete all steps in the order provided will result in the customs declaration or CCR failing validation and a CDS error message being generated.

It will walk users through the process of declaring goods. It will not instruct users in what to declare in each data element as this will be unique to each individual shipment.

Any screenshots or examples used in the Step-by-Step Guide are for illustrative purposes only to assist in navigation and familiarising users with the CDS Declaration Completion Guidance on Gov.UK.

The examples and screenshots in this Manual should not be used to complete any details on the customs declaration or CCR. HMRC accepts no liability for any goods declared using the examples or screenshots provided in this Manual.

Users must always make reference to the CDS Declaration Completion Guidance on Gov.UK prior to declaring goods as the instructions are subject to regular updates.