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CDSSG10050 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 5 - Additional Procedure Code 000

Unlike CHIEF, Additional Procedure Code 000 in CDS cannot be used as a default code.

It may only be used where the Procedure Code specifically permits its use

For example, Procedure Code 0100 mandates the use of Additional Procedure Code F15 in all instances. As F15 is mandatory, Additional Procedure Code 000 is not a valid code for the Procedure Code.

Additional Procedure Codes (D.E. 1/11):

The following Additional Procedure Codes may be used with Procedure Code 0100:

Union Additional Procedure Codes:

E01, E02, F06, F15, F21, F22, F47

National Additional Procedure Codes:

1BN, 1CD, 1CG, 1CL, 1ES, 1SC, 63P.

Additional Procedure Code 000 specifies that there are no additional circumstances or conditions that apply to the release of the goods. It may only therefore be used where every other Additional Procedure Code permitted for use by the Procedure Code has been eliminated .

000 must never be declared on a single goods item with any other Additional Procedure Code.

For example:

  • Additional Procedure Code F05 is used with Procedure Code 6123 to claim customs duty and VAT relief on returned goods.
  • As F05 is used, 000 cannot be declared.
  • If 000 was used instead of F05 with 6123, no customs duty or VAT relief would be granted.

All allowable Additional Procedure Codes must be checked and ruled as inappropriate before Additional Procedure Code 000 may be used.

Only if no other Additional Procedure Code is valid may 000 be used. The Additional Procedure Code Completion Notes for 000 state:

000: No other Additional Procedure Code applies

Description of procedure:

This additional procedure code is only to be used where there are no additional conditions to be applied to the goods than those specified in the requested and previous procedure (D.E. 1/10).

Conditions for use:

This Additional Procedure Code is used with D.E. 1/10 Procedure Codes to declare that there are no further conditions applicable beyond those covered by the 4-digit procedure code.

Restrictions of usage:

This Additional Procedure Code must not be used if any other Additional Procedure Code applies to the goods.

This additional procedure code may only be used where it is the only code being declared in D.E. 1/11.