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CDSSG11010 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 6 - Introduction to Additional Information Statements

Additional Information (AI) Codes are declared in DE 2/2 and are codes which identify additional information provided to support the processing of the customs declaration or Customs Clearance Request (CCR), for example:

  • Relationships between parties
  • Specific processes to be undertaken on the goods or
  • Address of premises

Each Code is unique and is used to specify what information is being provided and why.

Lists of the 5-digit codes that may be used in CDS to identify each specific type of document can be found in Appendix 4.

Accessing the Additional Information (AI) Code List

Appendix 4 may be accessed from the Navigation Guide for the specific movement type being used (see section CDSSG06000 for guidance):

It may also be accessed direct from the Combined Appendices link shown on the main home page, shown underneath the links for the Guidance Sections for each Movement Type:

Combined Appendices Page:

Once the Combined Appendices page is open, select the link for the Additional Information (AI) Codes page. 

With the exception of Document Codes and Location Codes, the remaining Code List Appendices are listed in numerical order according to the data element they are used with.  For example, AI codes are used with DE 2/2 so they appear in numerical order within the list for DE 2/2.

Code List

Appendix Number

DE 2/1 Previous Document Type Codes

Appendix 3

DE 2/2 Additional Information Codes

Appendix 4

Additional Information Code (AI) Lists

Within the AI code collection page there are two separate lists of AI codes.

AI Codes which begin with a number are referred to as Union AI codes and can be found in Appendix 4A.

AI Codes which begin with a letter are referred to as National AI codes and can be found in Appendix 4B

Where a combination of Union and National AI codes are required to declare the goods, any Union codes must be declared first.