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CDSSG11040 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 6 - Additional Procedure Code Requirements for Additional Information Statements

Once the chosen Additional Procedure Code is selected (see section CDSSG10000), the completion notes for the specific Additional Procedure Code (found in Appendix 2 for the relevant Movement Type) should be reviewed.

Any DE 2/2 AI completion notes in each Additional Procedure Code will specify any additional AI codes that are required in order to release the goods.

Any AI codes shown in Appendix 2 are to be declared in addition to those specified by the 4-digit Procedure Code.

Where an AI code is specified in Appendix 2, the required code should be checked to identify if the AI code is mandatory in all cases or only required in certain circumstances.

For example:

Additional Procedure Code 17X used for an Indirect Export Customs Clearance Request (CCR) states:

Additional Information (DE 2/2):


Coverage AI statement code Details to be declared
The number of days the goods have been held in the Free Zone. Note where the goods have been held in the free zone for longer than 14 days, Additional Procedure Code 17X must be declared in DE 1/11 FZPER Enter the number of days the goods have been held in the Free Zone prior to this movement
The number of days the goods have already been held in Temporary Storage. Exports only: Note where the goods have been held in Temporary Storage for longer than 14 days, Additional Procedure Code 17X must be declared in DE 1/11 TSPER Enter the number of days the goods have been held in Temporary Storage prior to this movement

Where an AI code is mandatory, failure to declare the required code will result in the declaration being rejected.

Appendix 2 will also give details of how the AI statement must be completed. Where the guidance in Appendix 2 differs from the main guidance for the AI code given in Appendix 4, the completion instructions in Appendix 2 take precedence.

For example:

Import Additional Procedure Code C15 gives specific instructions on the details to be provided for AI code GEN13.

Additional Information (D.E. 2/2):

The following AI statements must be included in D.E. 2/2 dependent on the circumstances:

Coverage AI statement code Details to be declared
NIRU certificate/approval letter (for imports of biological and chemical substances for research). GEN13 Enter either: the NIRU certificate/approval letter serial number (For biological or chemical substances imported by private establishments: where different from the reference number declared above, the serial number of any NIRU issued certificate/approval letter.), OR where the goods are imported by a Public Body enter: ‘Public Body’

Appendix 4B for GEN13 states:

AI Code Description Details to be Declared Import, Export or Both
GEN13 NIRU certificate/approval letter or a declaration to a waiver from the requirement where shown in the Additional Procedure Code notes. Enter either: the NIRU certificate/approval letter serial number, or the statement shown in the Additional Procedure Code notes. Import


The list of AI codes given in Appendix 2 for each Additional Procedure Code are not an exhaustive list, they are the mandatory codes without which the additional procedure cannot be used or those AI codes which are most likely to be required in order to clear the goods to that additional procedure.

Appendix 4 should still be reviewed to see if any extra AI codes are required. See Section CDSSG11050 for guidance on other drivers for AI codes.