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CDSSG13070 - Step-By-Step Guide, Step 8 - Using the Combined Appendices Code Lists

Checks to be completed before declaring any codes in a data element

  • Ensure all the codes declared are valid on CDS
  • Check GB and NI Supplements for newly introduced codes
  • Check Appendices 1 and 2 for any codes required by the Procedure Code or Additional Procedure Codes
  • Check the Declaration Completion Instructions for the Movement Type to identify any extra codes required in specific circumstances.
  • Check the full list within the combined Appendices to identify any additional requirements for the movement taking place

Failure to use the correct CDS code lists will result in the incorrect completion of the data elements and CDS error messages being generated. For example, the code for Tilbury Docks on CHIEF is LON, on CDS it is GBAUTILLONTIL.

CHIEF vs CDS code lists

Before using any codes the Customs Declaration or Customs Clearance Request (CCR) , it must be ensured that the correct CDS code list is being referred to.

CHIEF code lists must not be used in CDS, as the codes used are different between the 2 systems.

For example, the Method of Payment (MOP) code for outright payment from a deferment account on CHIEF is F, on CDS it is code E.

Accessing Code Lists

  • Step 10: Complete the declaration with continued reference to the appropriate Appendices (please see the Appendices Index list for details) for the specific data element to identify any specific codes to be used, such as preference indicators, delivery terms and country codes.

The code lists for CDS can be accessed from:

  • The Combined Appendices link on the main collection home page

  • The Navigation Guide for the specific Movement Type

  • The data element guidance provided in Procedure Code and Additional Procedure Codes completion notes in Appendices 1 and 2
  • The data element guidance provided in the Declaration Completion Instructions for the specific Movement Type

Combined Appendices Contents List

With the exception of Appendices 5 and 16, the code lists are in numerical order according to the data element they are used with.

Appendices 5 and 16 can be accessed from the paragraph immediately under the Combined Appendices heading.

Where the Procedure Code and Additional Procedure Code completion notes for a data element provide details of codes to used, they are not an exhaustive list. The codes detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 are either:

  • Mandatory codes that the Procedure Code or Additional Procedure Codes cannot be used without or
  • The most commonly used codes that would be needed to declare the goods.

The main code list for the data element should still be reviewed to identify any additional codes that may be required.

CDS Code Lists

The table below lists each Code List for CDS with an explanation of its usage.

Code List Appendix Number
DE 2/1 Previous Document Type Codes Appendix 3
DE 2/2 Additional Information Codes Appendix 4
DE 2/3 Document Codes Appendix 5
DE 3/39 Authorisation Type Codes Appendix 6
DE 4/1 Delivery Terms (INCOterm) Codes Appendix 7
DE 4/3 Tax Type Codes Appendix 8
DE 4/8 Method of Payment Codes Appendix 9
DE 4/9 Addition and Deduction Codes Appendix 10
Currency Codes Appendix 11
DE 4/17 Preference Codes Appendix 12
Country Codes Appendix 13
DE 5/12 UK Customs Office List Codes (COL) Appendix 14
DE 5/21 Place of Loading Codes (for Airfreight costs adjustments) Appendix 15
DE 5/23 Goods Location Codes Appendix 16
DE 5/27 UK Supervising Office Codes Appendix 17
DE 6/9 Package Type Codes Appendix 18
DE 6/17 National Additional Codes (UK Tax rate codes) Appendix 19
DE 2/3, 4/4 (and 8/7 writing-off) Measurement Unit Codes Appendix 20