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CDSSG14500 - CDS Declaration Error Messages: Identifying the Problem

This part of the error message, gives further information on what has actually gone wrong.


AdditionalDocument;FriendlyName: Doc Code Statement

In this case a document code statement is missing. Combined with the ‘Description of the Error – Missing Document’ this shows that the document code and its required details are missing and required for the declaration to be accepted.

This part of the message may also be supported by additional information text or codes to expand on the required data.


AddInfoCode: Y; AddInfoText: The measure type ‘705’ on commodity code ‘3926909790’ has a measure condition\nThis tells the user that commodity code 3926909790 has a tariff measure that requires a document to be declared.
AddInfoCode: 29; AddInfoText: The measure condition ‘Y’ has an action code\nThis tells the user which measure on the commodity code is missing its document, this is important to check as there may be more than one measure against the commodity code.
AddInfoCode: C064; AddInfoText: The measure type ‘705’ on commodity code ‘3926909790’ requires document\nAddInfoCode: Y904; AddInfoText: The measure type ‘705’ on commodity code ‘3926909790’ requires document\nAddInfoCode: All; AddInfoText: Either of those document needs to be supplied\nThese three parts of the error message show which documents are available to choose form in order to satisfy the tariff measure and resolve the error. Only 1 of the listed documents is needed.