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CDSSG14600 - CDS Declaration Error Messages: Correcting the Error

To resolve the errors, Error Codes Guidance on Gov.UK, the CDS Navigation Guide, DE Completion Guide and appropriate appendices should be consulted, and declaration amended to provide correct information in each DE to resolve errors.

Note: Please ensure you are using the correct guidance for the correct declaration type (Imports, Inventory Imports, Exports, etc.)

Using the example from the previous page:-

AddInfoCode: Y; AddInfoText: The measure type ‘705’ on commodity code ‘3926909790’ has a measure condition\nThis tells the user that commodity code 3926909790 has a tariff measure that requires a document to be declared.
AddInfoCode: 29; AddInfoText: The measure condition ‘Y’ has an action code\nThis tells the user which measure on the commodity code is missing its document, this is important to check as there may be more than one measure against the commodity code.
AddInfoCode: C064; AddInfoText: The measure type ‘705’ on commodity code ‘3926909790’ requires document\nAddInfoCode: Y904; AddInfoText: The measure type ‘705’ on commodity code ‘3926909790’ requires document\nAddInfoCode: All; AddInfoText: Either of those document needs to be supplied\nThese three parts of the error message show which documents are available to choose form in order to satisfy the tariff measure and resolve the error. Only 1 of the listed documents is needed.

In this instance the full error code is telling the user that either document code C604 or document code Y904 is required in DE 2/3 when declaring commodity code 3926909790.

To resolve the error, each document code should be looked up in the UK Integrated Online Tariff and Appendix 5A for the relevant declaration type to identify the appropriate document to use and a document statement for that code must be added to DE 2/3.

Once the document code and associated statement has been entered correctly on the declaration the error will be resolved.

Refer to the Error Codes guidance on Gov.UK for more information on what to do to fix the error.