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CCPG30150 - International Trade officers operational process: warning letter: issuing a warning letter


If Customer has a CCM, the Case Officer must obtain permission from them to issue a CPWL. The Case Officer should complete a CPAC and a draft CPWL via SEES and send to their Manager for approval.

Once their manager has agreed the decision to issue a CPWL (after reviewing the draft letter and CPAC) they authorise the CPAC and the Compliance Officer should then send a copy of the CPAC and draft CPWL to the PN301 Team to get the warning letter checked.

The Customs Civil Penalty (CCP) team will then:

  • issue a CCP reference number,
  • will update the letter with any amendments and the CCP reference
  • post the original to the Customer via Central Print
  • advise the PN301 Team of the date of issue and confirmation the letter has been uploaded to Caseflow

The PN301 Team will update the national database with the date of issue.