DMBM510380 - Customer contact and data security: telephone contact: telephone technique: outbound calls

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When making a call to a customer you should

  • introduce yourself correctly and ensure you talking to the correct person (DMBM510330)
  • explain that due to the nature of your call you need to verify the customer (DMBM512930)
  • do verification checks (DMBM512800)
  • explain the nature of your call clearly, avoiding any jargon or abbreviations
  • discuss the nature of your call by asking appropriate questions and using good listening skills
  • summarise the call with the customer, making sure any further action needed is clear
  • end the call appropriately
  • be professional at all times.

After the call has ended note the record correctly using the correct abbreviations for an outbound call.

If any follow up work is needed for example; a letter, then do this after the call has finished.

DMTC staff should ensure that they use the correct codes for each stage of the process.