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DMBM511440 - Customer contact: Outdoor calls: What to take with you on call

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When you make calls you will need to take a number of items with you. The following lists are not exhaustive but in general you should be able you to complete calls efficiently and effectively by taking

  • all the case papers
  • your official identification (for example, your HMRC ID card)
  • a receipt pad
  • a pad of forms 55 (and/or other suitable material)
  • envelopes.

In addition, you may find it useful to carry

  • a calculator
  • a map or street-map of the area you are visiting
  • a pad of call report forms.

Where your call itinerary includes employer customers you could carry some PAYE/NIC literature (for example, the four Employer's Help Books - E10 to E13).

For your personal safety and comfort

  • take as many of the safety and protective clothing items you consider necessary
  • wear comfortable shoes, especially if you know you will have a lot of walking to do
  • carry a mobile telephone (this will also allow you to contact the office in order to process a payment by debit card).