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DMBM512830 - Customer contact and data security: compulsory verification checks: when to do verification checks

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You need to follow the caller verification process whenever:

  • you are required to access a customer’s record
  • the customer’s personal information is being or is likely to be discussed.

If the enquiry is of a general nature, for example the customer would like to know the SA deadlines or where to send payment to; you will not be required to carry out the verification checks.

You must always complete the correct Debt Management verification check at the point of contact with the customer before discussing or disclosing any personal customer information.

You must do this when you are:

  • on the phone; for example, incoming and outgoing calls
  • out on call; for example, Field Force, AO call
  • receiving and making a call to another office or a verifying a FFA.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)DMBM513020(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)