DMBM666440 - CCP: action after judgment obtained: judgment debtor moves outside of England & Wales

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Where, after judgment has been entered, you find that the judgment debtor has moved outside England or Wales and does not comply with the order for payment, you should take action as shown in the table below irrespective of the monetary value of the debt.

New residence in Scotland or Northern Ireland

You will need to obtain a ‘Certificate of Money Provisions contained in a Judgment’. To obtain this you should

  • prepare a CCP105 - ‘Certificate of Money Provisions contained in a Judgment’ on plain paper (a CCP105 can be found in the Guidance Gateway under ‘Letters and forms’
  • complete form N244 applying for a ‘Certificate of Money provisions contained in a Judgment’ advising the court that the judgment debt remains unpaid and that the judgment debtor has moved to [quote new address], completing box 10 according to the evidence you have that the judgment debtor is now living in Scotland / Northern Ireland
  • send both documents, with the appropriate fee, to the court where judgment was obtained.

The district judge will sign and date the ‘Certificate of Money Provisions contained in a Judgment’ and apply the court’s official stamp or seal. The court office will then send the signed document to you.

On receipt of the signed document from the court, you should

  • check that the ‘Certificate of Money Provisions contained in a Judgment’ has been signed and had the court’s official stamp or seal impressed on it
  • send all the papers with the ‘Certificate of Money Provisions contained in a Judgment’ to
  • for Scotland cases, Enforcement and Insolvency Services, Elgin House, 20 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh EH12 5WT [OUID362300]
  • for Northern Ireland cases, DTO Belfast, 31 Wellington Place, Belfast BT1 6BH [OUID395200] marked for the attention of the SP manager
  • double envelope all cases and clearly print on the front on the inside envelope the words “CCP JUDGMENT CASE”
  • transfer responsibility for the case using the appropriate computer function.

New residence in EU member state

Refer to DMBM560015. Send all the papers to the National Non-Resident Unit (MARD) [OU ID 335202] and transfer responsibility for the case using the appropriate computer function.

New residence in any other country (including Isle of Man and Channel Islands)

Send all the papers to the National Non-Resident Unit [OU ID 335200] and transfer responsibility for the case using the appropriate computer function.