ECSH111500 - Contact with customers: addresses
If a business has not agreed to contact via email, all notices and letters, unless they are sent by secure communications, must be sent by post.
Sometimes there will be circumstances where letters and notices will need to be sent by recorded delivery, or hand delivered. See the operational guidance on how to send letters to customers at ECSH32813.
For businesses that are limited companies or limited liability partnerships (LLPs), letters should be addressed to the registered office address, as detailed on Companies House.
Officers should take care when sending letters as the registered office address may differ from the trading address.
Copies of notices/letters can be sent to other relevant addresses - for example a trading address or a director's home address when appropriate.
Whilst the onus is on the business to keep it’s address it has provided to us up to date, where we become aware that the address has changed, for example Companies House may show the registered office address has recently been changed, care should be taken when issuing a letter or notice to ensure it goes to the correct and current address.
When sending letters to individuals, such as fit & proper determinations to beneficial owners, officers and managers, care should be taken that these go to the relevant individual, which may be at their home address, as these letters are likely to contain personal information of that individual and we must ensure we meet our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation – see guidance at ECSH10500.