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Updates: Economic Crime Supervision Handbook


16 July 2024 published amendments

Extra support

added content to page

Overcoming language barriers

added content to page

Data handler

added content to the page

Officers personal safety

added content to the page

5 July 2024 published amendments

18 June 2024 published amendments

14 June 2024 published amendments

4 June 2024 published amendments

Registration: contents

ECSH 64005 added to list

23 May 2024 published amendments

Registration: contents

Added Reg 56A

14 May 2024 published amendments

25 April 2024 published amendments

Regulation 18 - Risk assessment by relevant persons

added links

linked page to contents

added links

23 April 2024 published amendments

Regulation 24 - Training

removed links

Regulation 11 - Auditors and others 

Links added further reading Regs 18, 19, 28.

Regulation 12 - Independent legal professionals and trust or company service providers

Further Reading links added Regs 18,19,28.

Regulation 13 - Estate agents and letting agents

Further reading links added Reg 27, 28, 35

Regulation 18 - Risk assessment by relevant persons

Further reading links added to Reg 19 and 28.

Regulation 76 - Power to impose civil penalties: fines and statements

Further reading internal guidance references added.

Regulation 21 - Internal controls

checked links

Regulation 19 - Policies, controls and procedures

checked links

19 April 2024 published amendments

Schedule 3ZA - High-Risk Third Countries

FATF list of High-risk Countries and other monitored jurisdictions "HERE" added

Regulation 11 - Auditors and others 

FAQs added

18 April 2024 published amendments

Regulation 39 - Reliance

Updated links in further reading

Regulation 37 - Application of simplified customer due diligence


Regulation 31 – Requirement to cease transactions etc

added link

removed link that doesn't work

Regulation 27 - Customer due diligence

added links to further reading

Regulation 26 - Prohibitions and approvals

amended links

Regulation 50 - Duty to cooperate

redacted internal guidance

Regulation 69 - Entry, inspection of premises without a warrant etc

information redacted

16 April 2024 published amendments

15 April 2024 published amendments

12 April 2024 published amendments

9 April 2024 published amendments

5 April 2024 published amendments

26 March 2024 published amendments

18 March 2024 published amendments

15 March 2024 published amendments

Enhanced customer due diligence: contents

add content to contents page

Customer due diligence: general: contents

content added to contents page

content added to contents page

content added to contents page

Simplified customer due diligence: contents

add content to contents page

content added to contents page

Regulation 46A - Annual reports by self-regulatory organisations

Content Added

Regulation 48 - Duties of the FCA: guidance on politically exposed persons

Content Added

Regulation 49 - Duties of self-regulatory organisations

Content Added

12 March 2024 published amendments

11 March 2024 published amendments

8 March 2024 published amendments

7 March 2024 published amendments


amend links

5 March 2024 published amendments

4 March 2024 published amendments

Customer due diligence: general: contents

add contents to content page

29 February 2024 published amendments

Application contents

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Content added to contents page

to add content to the contents page

Economic Crime Supervision Handbook

added content to the contents page

add to contents page

Further Sources of Guidance

Amended the first paragraph

23 February 2024 published amendments

Legislation: content

content added

content added

content added

add content page

add content page

add content page

Economic Crime Supervision Handbook

add content page

add content page


links added

Financial Services and Markets Act 2000

links added


add link

add link

22 February 2024 published amendments

Economic Crime Supervision Handbook

add content

add content

add content

contents page added

Legislation: content

content added

content added

content added

content added

content added

content added

content added

content added


link added

MLR Toolkit introduction

content added

15 February 2024 published amendments

14 February 2024 published amendments

13 February 2024 published amendments

12 February 2024 published amendments

Economic Crime Supervision Handbook

Add new content ECSH63150

Part 1 - Introduction: contents

to add content

Content added

content added

Regulation 2 - Prescribed Regulations

Content amended

Content amended

1 February 2024 published amendments

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: scale charge table

Table amended 4,000 to 4,999 changed from £80,000 to £70,000.
5,000 to 5,999 changed from £90,000 to £80,000.

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction

Inserted: This financial penalty framework is effective from 1 April 2020 at the start of first paragraph.

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: type 1 (scale charge)

added, transactions or end users in stage 1 paragraph.


6 October 2023 published amendments

5 October 2023 published amendments


Accountancy Service Providers (ASPs) added.

Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: sanctions framework

Insert 3rd paragraph 'The DM must not issue a penalty if the business had taken all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to comply with the relevant requirement. See ECSH 82525'

Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: determining an appropriate sanction

4th bullet amended to include and failed to exercise all due diligence.
Added sentence If the DM does not have this information, it is unlikely that they will be able to progress with a sanction

Sanctions for non-compliance: warning letters

Insert 3rd paragraph 'It must also specify the relevant period of the contravention(s) covered by the warning letter'. Inserted Link to ECSH 82850.

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: imposing a financial penalty

Added link to ECSH 82525 end of 3rd paragraph

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction

Added 2nd paragraph

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: scale charge table

Removed 'for relevant clients subject to the breach' from title and short title
Amended table heading to include Transactions/End Users

20 September 2023 published amendments

Sanctions for non-compliance: introduction - sanctions

Money Laundering Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017) replaced with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017

24 July 2023 published amendments

Sanctions for non-compliance: introduction - sanctions

and a suspension or cancellation of registration might also be appropriate in these circumstances. - suspension or cancellation linked to 83575

Sanctions for non-compliance: warning letters

Where breaches have been identified an advice letter should not be issued. - advice letter linked to 81500

Sanctions for non-compliance: prohibition on management: introduction

knowingly concerned linked to 82840

14 July 2023 published amendments

29 June 2023 published amendments

Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: sanctions framework

83000 changed to 83000 Prohibition on management

82000 changed to 82000 Warning letter
82500 changed to 82500 Financial penalties
83500 changed to 83500 Suspension and cancellation
84000 changed to 84000 Censuring statements
84500 changed to 84500 Injunctions

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: definitions

Regulation 83 changed to a link to Regulation 83
Schedule 6 changed to a link to Schedule 6

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction

Regulation 83 changed to a link

82575 changed to a link

Sanctions for non-compliance: suspension and cancellation: introduction

Reg 54 changed to a link to Reg 54
Reg 55 changed to a link to Reg 55

7 June 2023 published amendments

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: calculating the amount of a financial penalty

Guidance amended from Trust and Company Service Providers to Trust or Company Service Providers.
Bracket added end of sentence for Type 1 and Type 2 breaches.

Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: date of effect of supervision

Guidance amended so that 'Trust and Company Service Providers (TCSP)' is now 'Trust or Company Service Providers (TCSP)'