Updates: Economic Crime Supervision Handbook
Deductions: premiums paid: multiple taxpayers
replace rental business with property business
Regulation 79 - Imposition of civil penalties
Contents added
Accountancy service providers: Difference between tax advice and tax information
Archive - content on page ECSH43531
Exclusions & exemptions operational guidance - contents
removed archived pages
Amended content to reflect JMLSG, amended formatting and links.
Amended formatting, links and title. Added reference to eVisas and the GOV.UK wallet.
Added further context about the role of a compliance officer, the need to inform EC-S within 14 days of appointment, formatting changes and amended links.
Initial contact: What to do if there is no response to initial contact
Additional line added on multiple drive/walk bys and formatting corrections.
MLR 2017: Background and History: contents
Page archived as not necessary
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction
Amended penultimate paragraph.
Use of gross profit to calculate penalties under the penalty framework
Amendment improving formatting and content. Clarification on home office use and re-drafted final two paragraphs.
Use of gross profit to calculate penalties under the penalty framework
Change of content to first sub-paragraph.
Schedule 3ZA - High-Risk Third Countries
Addition of missing columns and dates.
Introductory text and links added.
Archived page as content moved to ECSH60000
Archive of page
Part 1 - Regulations 1-7: contents
Change of title
Regulation 1 - Citation and commencement
Removal of redaction
Regulation 3 - General interpretation
Removal of redaction
Regulation 4 - Meaning of business relationship
Removal of redaction
Regulation 20 - Policies, controls and procedures: group level
Unpublish awaiting content
Part 2 - Regulations 9-26: contents
Title change
Regulation 9 - Carrying on business in the UK
Change of content and removal of redaction.
Regulation 32 - Exception for trustees of debt issues
Added content
Customer due diligence: general: contents
Archive as no longer needed
Enhanced customer due diligence: contents
Archive as no longer needed
Simplified customer due diligence: contents
Archive as no longer needed
Contents added to page
Beneficial Ownership Information: contents
Archived as no longer needed
Part 5 - Regulation 42-45ZB: contents
Title change and added links
ECSH Regulation 47 - Duties of supervisory authorities: information
Added content and link
Duties of supervisory authorities: contents
Archive page
Transfer of funds (Information on the payer) Regulations: contents
Archive page
Part 8 - Regulations 65-74: contents
Amend title and added links
Criminal offences, penalties and proceedings etc: contents
Archive page
Archive as no longer needed
Added content
Regulation 79 - Imposition of civil penalties
Contents added
Regulation 85 - Publication: the Commissioners
Added content and link
Civil penalties and notices: contents
Archive page as no longer needed
Part 9 - Regulations 75 - 92: contents
amended title and added links
Decisions of the FCA: contents
Archive as no longer needed
Decisions of the Commissioners: contents
Archive as no longer needed
Regulation 99 - Appeals against decisions of the commissioners
Added content
Regulation 100 - Appeals against decisions of the Commissioners: procedures
Added content and linked
Part 10 - Regulations 93-100: contents
Amended title
Miscellaneous provisions: contents
Archive as no longer needed
Part 11 - Regulations 101 - 110: contents
Amended title and added links
Archive of page
Roles and responsibilities - Role of a caseworker
Archive of page
Content moved to ECSH34101 and link to page added
Evidence of verification: Contents
Archive of page
Fit and proper and approvals operational guidance: contents
Archive of page
Fit and proper and approvals: Contents: Operational guidance: Fit and proper test failure
Refusing an application for registration: Contents - Operational guidance
Introduction: Business sectors supervised by HMRC
Added content from ECSH140500.
Witness Statements: Introduction and Policy
Sanctions for non-compliance: censuring statements
Second bullet point removed from "criteria for identifying a case for possible censure". Redacted section on "what to do if you identify censure as a possible appropriate sanction" removed and replaced by a statement (redacted).
To be archived - content moved to ECSH33206.
To be archived - content moved to ECSH33206.
Page to be archived - content moved to ECSH33206.
Page to be archived - content moved to ECSH33206.
Regulation 19A - Policies, controls and procedures in relation to proliferation financing
Content removed as not relevant
Improved definition of knowingly concerned
Regulation 18A - Risk assessment by relevant persons in relation to proliferation financing
Page changed from contents page, added content following archive of ECSH63386-ECSH63389.
Health and safety/other support needed
Archive page as no longer needed
Checking customer due diligence
Addition of ECSH33325 - ECSH33329
Case management: Withholding or postponing Economic Crime Supervision (ECS) operational activity
Added link to template
Addition of ECSH33355
Addition of content
Regulation 18 - Risk assessment by relevant persons
Addition of FAQ on Regulation 18(4) concession and link to ECSH81100.
Initial contact: What to do if there is no response to initial contact
Links added to 32813, 32841 and 32620. Reference to ECSH33911 removed and replaced by ECSH33025
Added sentence to make clear that pages 71500,72000 and 73000 are not yet available
Data Protection Act 2018/General Data Protection Regulation: data retention and disposal
Replaced section 90 DPIA 2018 with section 39 DPIA 2018 as reference to section 90 was incorrect.
Checking record keeping, reliance and GDPR
Structure change this is now a contents page. Guidance moved to ECSH35210
Businesses already supervised for money laundering purposes: contents - operational guidance
41535 added to the contents page
Types of intervention: Contents
Change of ECSH32600 to contents page. Content in page moved to ECSH32601.
Corrected date used in the apportionment example.
Fit and proper and approvals: large trader registration
Reformatted page and redacted content
Part 2 - Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: contents
remove pages from the structure 63380, 63385 and 63395
remove pages from the structure 63380, 63385 and 63395
Regulation 18A - Risk assessment by relevant persons in relation to proliferation financing:
removed pages that had been linked incorrectly 633086, 63387, 63388 and 63389
ADDED PAGES 63386, 63387, 63388 AND 63389
46000 added to the contents page
added 47500 to the contents page
added 47530 to the contents page
added 48000 to the contents page
44375 added to the contents page
Refusing an application for registration: Contents : Refusing registration: Operational guidance
added 47531 to the contents page
added 47532 to the contents page
added 47533 to the contents page
added 47536 to the contents page
removed page 44375
removed 44425
added 44380
The Register: Contents: Operational guidance: The registration process
added 44381 to the contents
The Registration process: Online application form
removed spacing
Fit and proper and approvals: Contents: Operational guidance: Fit and proper test failure
added 45835 to the contents page
added 45840 to the contents page
added 45845 to the contents page
added 45850 to the contents page
Fit and proper and approvals: Contents: Operational guidance: Government gateway account
added 45852 to the contents page
added 45854 to the contents page
45853 added to the contents page
Government Gateway Account: Common log-in issues
added content to the new page
Government gateway account: common application submission issues
added content to the page
added 45810 to the contents page
added 45820 to the contents
added 45811 to the contents page
added 45812 to the contents page
added 45812 to the contents page
added 45815 to the contents page
Amended title
Fit and proper and approvals: Contents: Operational guidance: Fit and proper test failure
added 45821 to the contents page
added 45822 to the contents page
added 45822
added 45825 to the contents page
added 45830 to the contents
added 45805 to the contents page
Periods of intensification/days of action
Change in title - from "Other user interests" to "Periods of intensification/days of action”.
added 45795 to the contents page
added 45796 to the contents page
added 45797 to the contents page
added 45798 to the contents page
Regional Centre and Central Print Service text redacted
content added
Checking risk assessment and management
Changing redaction text
Establishing policies, controls and procedures
Headings changed to number 2. Title and ECSH heading removed.
Added 45000 to the structure
45790 added to the contents page
Post visit action: dealing with a lack of cooperation
Content updated
Fit and proper and approvals: Contents: Operational guidance
added 45780
45785 added to the contents page
Who needs to be declared as a responsible person? Contents
added 45791 to the contents page
added 45792 to the contents page
Initial contact: Who to contact
Redacted text "within SIP to ETMP".
Added entire page content about data protection
Added entire page content regarding reliance arrangements
Linked pages with the contents page
Checking risk assessment and management
changing content
Amended dates to 1 January 2009 for ASPs and 30 September 2008 for TCSPs
Added 34025 and 34030 to the contents page
Regulation 38 - Electronic money
Page archived
reformatted page
Ownership and Management Restrictions: content
page link reg 26 added
Regulation 35 - Enhanced customer due diligence: politically exposed persons
title change
Trust or company service providers
Subsections ECSH52025 - 52075 added
added content to the page
added a sub contents page
added a sub contents page
How to determine if a business has taken Reasonable steps
added content to the page
Decision making tool (KDL/SAFCORM)
Added content to the page
added content to the page
redacted content
Understanding the corporate structure
redacted text
Contemporaneous notes of meeting
Added content to the contents page, notebooks
Added contents to the contents page - digital notebooks
Case management systems and case trackers
added a page to the main contents page
Data protection and retention periods
added content to the page
added page to contents page
added pages to the contents page
added and formatted all the content on the page
added content to the page
added content to the page
updated URL to process guides
Checking record keeping, reliance and GDPR
Add page to contents page
added page to the contents page
added a page to the contents page
added content to the page
added content to the page
Results from initial contact/review of documents
bullet points added to the content
Project Initiation Document (PID)
Linked the page to other pages in the handbook
added URL to link
Standard Information Package (SIP)
Linked pages in the content
Linked pages within the content
added URLs to the links in the content
linked to other pages in the content
redacted part of the content and linked to other pages in the handbook.
added content to the page
added URL into a link
Added page 26000 to the contents
Title amended from Visits with other stakeholders to Periods of intensification/Days of action and content added
Title amended from Visits with other stakeholders to Periods of intensification/Days of action and content added
removed spacing and added links to the page
added bullets and links
linked pages in the content
Linked to other pages in the handbook
Visits to a business with a large number branches
added links and linked to other pages in the handbook
Visits with other stakeholders
Title amended to Visits with other stakeholders
Title amended - form Other user interests to Visits with other stakeholders
Periods of intensification/Days of action
Title amended from Visits with other stakeholders to Periods of intensification/Days of action
Content added
Changed the word cross to gross
118A and 19A added to fundamental requirements
added • Regulation 30A – failure to report any discrepancies to the registrar of companies between information held on the beneficial ownership of a customer, as a result of customer due diligence, and information on the register.
Added content to the first paragraph
Checking internal controls and compliance monitoring
added content to the page
added content to the page
added links
added content to page
added content to page
added content to the page
added content to the page
Regulation 93 - Appeals against decisions of the FCA
reformatted page
Regulation 94 - Offer of review
page reformatted
Regulation 95 - Review by the Commissioners
reformatted page
Regulation 96 - Extension of time
reformatted page
Regulation 97 - Review out of time
reformatted page
Regulation 98 - Nature of review etc
removed spacing
Regulation 103 - Obligations on public authorities
reformatted page
Regulation 104 - Suspicious activity disclosure
reformatted page
Regulation 104A - The United Kingdom's financial intelligence unit
reformatted page
Regulation 105 - Disclosure by the Commissioners
reformatted page
Schedule 1 - Professional Bodies
amended link
updated link
reformatted link
Schedule 4 - Supervisory Information
reformatted link
Schedule 5 - Connected Persons
amended link
Schedule 6 - Meaning of "relevant requirement"
reformatted link
Schedule 6A - The United Kingdom's Financial Intelligence unit
reformatted link
Schedule 7 - Consequential Amendments
reformatted link
Amended content links
redacted page
redacted page
Regulation 38 - Electronic money
Page archived
Regulation 60 - Cancellation and suspension of registration in a register under regulation 54 and 55
reformatted page
Regulation 61 - Interpretation
reformatted page
Regulation 64 - Obligations of payment service providers
reformatted page
Regulation 66 - Power to require information
reformatted page
Regulation 69 - Entry, inspection of premises without a warrant etc
reformatted page
Regulation 75 - Meaning of "relevant requirement"
reformatted page
Regulation 76 - Power to impose civil penalties: fines and statements
reformatted page
Regulation 77 - Power to impose civil penalties: suspension and removal of authorisation
reformatted page
Regulation 78 - Power to impose civil penalties: prohibition on management
reformatted page
Regulation 83 - The Commissioners: disciplinary measures (procedure)
reformatted page
Regulation 84 - Publication: the FCA
reformatted page
Regulation 4 - Meaning of business relationship
Reformatted text
Added content to the page.
Regulation 30 - Timing of verification
Reformatted page
Regulation 10 - Credit institutions and financial institutions
reformatted page
Regulation 40 - Record-keeping
redacted page
Regulation 46A - Annual reports by self-regulatory organisations
reformatted page
Regulation 48 - Duties of the FCA: guidance on politically exposed persons
reformatted page
Regulation 49 - Duties of self-regulatory organisations
reformatted page
Regulation 50 - Duty to co-operate
reformatted page
reformatted page
Regulation 52- Disclosure by supervisory authorities and other relevant authorities
reformatted page
Regulation 53 - Interpretation
reformatted page
Regulation 57 - Applications for registration in a register maintained under regulations 54 and 55
reformatted page
Regulation 58 - Fit and proper test
reformatted page
Regulation 26 - Prohibitions and approvals
reformatted page
page reformatted
Schedule 3 - Relevant Offences
reformatted page
reformatted page
Regulation 18 - Risk assessment by relevant persons
reformatted page
reformatted the page
Regulation 59 - Determination of applications for registration under regulations 54 and 55
reformatted page
Regulation 62 - Transfer of funds supervisory
reformatted page
Regulation 63 - Duties of transfer of funds supervisory authorities
reformatted page
Regulation 27 - Customer due diligence
changed heading
Regulation 31 - Requirement to cease transactions
Changed heading
Customer due diligence: general: contents
amended title
Duties of supervisory authority: contents
Subsections added
ECSH32000 - How we check compliance
Subsection added
Regulation 28 - Customer due diligence measures
changed link
Roles and responsibilities - Role of a caseworker
content added to page
Duties of supervisory authority: contents
add contents page
Introduction – supervisors under the MLRs
add page to contents page
ECSH 64005 added to list
Added Reg 56A
Schedule 3 - Relevant Offences
removed links
Regulation 11 - Auditors and others
Links added further reading Regs 18, 19, 28.
Regulation 12 - Independent legal professionals and trust or company service providers
Further Reading links added Regs 18,19,28.
Regulation 13 - Estate agents and letting agents
Further reading links added Reg 27, 28, 35
Regulation 18 - Risk assessment by relevant persons
Further reading links added to Reg 19 and 28.
Regulation 76 - Power to impose civil penalties: fines and statements
Further reading internal guidance references added.
Regulation 21 - Internal controls
checked links
Regulation 19 - Policies, controls and procedures
checked links
Regulation 18 - Risk assessment by relevant persons
Further reading links added
Regulation 76 - Power to impose civil penalties: fines and statements
Note re Sch 3ZA added
Regulation 12 - Independent legal professionals and trust or company service providers
Further reading links added.
Customer due diligence: general: contents
Regulation 30 added to contents
Regulation 10 - Credit institutions and financial institutions
Further Reading links to Reg 30 and 37 added
Schedule 3ZA - High-Risk Third Countries
FATF list of High-risk Countries and other monitored jurisdictions "HERE" added
Regulation 11 - Auditors and others
FAQs added
Updated links in further reading
Regulation 37 - Application of simplified customer due diligence
Regulation 31 – Requirement to cease transactions etc
added link
removed link that doesn't work
Regulation 27 - Customer due diligence
added links to further reading
Regulation 26 - Prohibitions and approvals
amended links
Regulation 50 - Duty to cooperate
redacted internal guidance
Regulation 69 - Entry, inspection of premises without a warrant etc
information redacted
Regulation 60 - Cancellation and suspension of registration in a register under regulation 54 and 55
redacted guidance as it mentions colleagues details.
Regulation 57 - Applications for registration in a register maintained under regulations 54 and 55
replaced links
Customer due diligence: general: contents
Regulation 28 added to contents
Regulation 40 - Record-keeping
updated links
Part 3 - Customer Due Diligence: contents
Content links added
Regulation 28 - Customer due diligence measures
page links added Further Reading
Regulation 30 - Timing of verification
links added further reading
Ownership and Management Restrictions: content
page link reg 26 added
Regulation 63 - Duties of transfer of funds supervisory authorities
content added to page
Regulation 52- Disclosure by supervisory authorities and other relevant authorities
content added to page
Part 1 - Introduction: contents
Regulations 6 & & page added
pages linked to index
Page links added
Regulation 83 - The Commissioners: disciplinary measures (procedure)
links removed as they don't work
Regulation 69 - Entry, inspection of premises without a warrant etc
removed SharePoint links
Regulation 50 - Duty to cooperate
Content added
Regulation 78 - Power to impose civil penalties: prohibition on management
added content to page
Schedule 3 - Relevant Offences
added links
Regulation 51 - Regulatory information
new content added
Regulation 62 - Transfer of funds supervisory
content added to page
Schedule 3 - Relevant Offences
added links
Regulation 77 - Power to impose civil penalties: suspension and removal of authorisation
Content Added
Regulation 81 - The FCA: disciplinary measures (procedure)
Content Added
Regulation 82 - The FCA: procedure (general)
Content Added
Regulation 83 - The Commissioners: disciplinary measures (procedure)
Content Added
Regulation 76 - Power to impose civil penalties: fines and statements
Content Added
Regulation 75 - Meaning of "relevant requirement"
Content Added
Regulation 64 - Obligations of payment service providers
Content added
Regulation 69 - Entry, inspection of premises without a warrant etc
Content added
line redacted
Regulation 61 - Interpretation
Content added
Enhanced customer due diligence: contents
add content to contents page
Customer due diligence: general: contents
content added to contents page
content added to contents page
content added to contents page
Simplified customer due diligence: contents
add content to contents page
content added to contents page
Regulation 46A - Annual reports by self-regulatory organisations
Content Added
Regulation 48 - Duties of the FCA: guidance on politically exposed persons
Content Added
Regulation 49 - Duties of self-regulatory organisations
Content Added
content added
content added
content added
Civil penalties and notices: contents
content added
Criminal offences, penalties and proceedings etc: contents
content added
content added
Decisions of the FCA: contents
content added
Regulation 40 - Record-keeping
Content Added
content added
Customer due diligence: general: contents
add content
Enhanced customer due diligence: contents
add content page
content added to contents page
Regulation 35 - Enhanced customer due diligence: politically exposed persons
title change
Customer due diligence: general: contents
content added
content added
content added
content added
content added
content added
Part 7 - Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations: contents
content added
Transfer of funds (Information on the payer) Regulations: contents
content added
Part 8 - Information, Investigations and Directions: contents
content added
Information, Investigation and Directions: contents
content added
content added
Part 6 - Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Supervision and Registration: contents
content added
content added
Duties of supervisory authorities: contents
content added
content added
Disclosure obligation: contents
content added
Part 6 - Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Supervision and Registration: contents
amended titled
change title
content added to contents page
add content to contents page
content added
content added
added page to contents
Customer due diligence: general: contents
add content
Reliance and Record-keeping: contents
content added
Part 4 - Reliance and Record Keeping contents
content added
Beneficial Ownership Information: contents
content added
Part 5 - Beneficial ownership Information: contents
content added
amend links
add content to contents page
Regulation 10 - Credit institutions and financial institutions
added link to content
Customer due diligence: general: contents
add contents to content page
add content to contents page
Content added to contents page
to add content to the contents page
Economic Crime Supervision Handbook
added content to the contents page
add to contents page
Amended the first paragraph
content added
content added
content added
add content page
add content page
add content page
Economic Crime Supervision Handbook
add content page
add content page
links added
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
links added
add link
add link
Economic Crime Supervision Handbook
add content
add content
add content
contents page added
content added
content added
content added
content added
content added
content added
content added
content added
link added
content added
Economic Crime Supervision Handbook
add contents
MLR relevant requirements: contents
add contents
add content
Part 1 - Introduction: contents
content added
content added
add content
change content
Regulation 5 - Meaning of a beneficial owner: bodies corporate or partnership
amend title
Economic Crime Supervision Handbook
Add new content ECSH63150
Part 1 - Introduction: contents
to add content
Content added
content added
Regulation 2 - Prescribed Regulations
Content amended
Content amended
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: scale charge table
Table amended 4,000 to 4,999 changed from £80,000 to £70,000.
5,000 to 5,999 changed from £90,000 to £80,000.
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction
Inserted: This financial penalty framework is effective from 1 April 2020 at the start of first paragraph.
added, transactions or end users in stage 1 paragraph.
Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: determining an appropriate sanction
Linked ECSH 82525 to 4th bullet first paragraph.
Third column added to table - Date registration required from
Accountancy Service Providers (ASPs) added.
Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: sanctions framework
Insert 3rd paragraph 'The DM must not issue a penalty if the business had taken all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to comply with the relevant requirement. See ECSH 82525'
Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: determining an appropriate sanction
4th bullet amended to include and failed to exercise all due diligence.
Added sentence If the DM does not have this information, it is unlikely that they will be able to progress with a sanction
Sanctions for non-compliance: warning letters
Insert 3rd paragraph 'It must also specify the relevant period of the contravention(s) covered by the warning letter'. Inserted Link to ECSH 82850.
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: imposing a financial penalty
Added link to ECSH 82525 end of 3rd paragraph
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction
Added 2nd paragraph
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: scale charge table
Removed 'for relevant clients subject to the breach' from title and short title
Amended table heading to include Transactions/End Users
Sanctions for non-compliance: introduction - sanctions
Money Laundering Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017) replaced with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017
Sanctions for non-compliance: introduction - sanctions
and a suspension or cancellation of registration might also be appropriate in these circumstances. - suspension or cancellation linked to 83575
Sanctions for non-compliance: warning letters
Where breaches have been identified an advice letter should not be issued. - advice letter linked to 81500
Sanctions for non-compliance: prohibition on management: introduction
knowingly concerned linked to 82840
All contents under the heading Exceptional Basis removed.
Content under Accuracy and compliance checks has been added.
Sanctions for non-compliance: sanctions framework: sanctions framework
83000 changed to 83000 Prohibition on management
82000 changed to 82000 Warning letter
82500 changed to 82500 Financial penalties
83500 changed to 83500 Suspension and cancellation
84000 changed to 84000 Censuring statements
84500 changed to 84500 Injunctions
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: definitions
Regulation 83 changed to a link to Regulation 83
Schedule 6 changed to a link to Schedule 6
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: financial penalties framework: introduction
Regulation 83 changed to a link
82575 changed to a link
Sanctions for non-compliance: suspension and cancellation: introduction
Reg 54 changed to a link to Reg 54
Reg 55 changed to a link to Reg 55
Sanctions for non-compliance: financial penalties: calculating the amount of a financial penalty
Guidance amended from Trust and Company Service Providers to Trust or Company Service Providers.
Bracket added end of sentence for Type 1 and Type 2 breaches.
Guidance amended so that 'Trust and Company Service Providers (TCSP)' is now 'Trust or Company Service Providers (TCSP)'