ECSH32805 - Who to contact

You will need to speak to one of the individuals shown in the “Responsible persons” information within your Standard Information Package (SIP) [link to ECSH 32710 Standard Information Package (SIP)], or Case information – see [link to ECSH 32732, RCM or ECSH 32733, Caseflow - or in ECSH 32731, ETMP. 

This might be the Nominated Officer, person in charge of compliance, a director, partner, or owner, depending on the structure of the business.Often asking for the person responsible for compliance with the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 within the business willaid you in speaking to the right person if you are unsure of whom you should speak to. 

If the first person isn’t available, try to speak to a different person on the above list. If no-one is available, leave a message and ask them to contact you within a given time – please refer to the guidance at ECSH 32811 How to contact by phone. 

Please note, you cannot speak to an appointed representative unless authorised by the business, see ECSH 33015 Working with advisors.