ECSH34106 - Data protection and retention periods

Information should be retained only as long as it is needed for business, legal or historical purposes and a retention policy needs to be applied to all information held. 

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You must ensure you have completed the mandatory training on data protection as you must comply with data protection throughout your case. Ensure you have read the guidance on the Data Protection Act and GDPR - See ECSH10000 DPA/GDPR. 

There is a guide available showing where documents can be stored whilst you are working or collaborating on them, depending on their security classification. 

All finalised documents relevant to your compliance check must be retained in case management systems. This includes planning documents, checklists, emails, letters, documents received from the business, decision and evidence log and any other documents relating to your case.If you have any questions about a particular document, please speak to your manager. 

Once uploaded to the document store (documentum), all other versions must be deleted.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)