ECSH34325 - Further contact
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Appeals and reviews of the outcome
After issuing the outcome letter (ECSH34030), the business may request an appeal or review (ECSH90000) of the outcome. Follow the guidance below depending on the outcome issued.
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Where a closure letter, advice letter or warning letter has been issued
The issuing of a closure letter, advice letter or warning letter is not an appealable decision for the purposes of regulation 99 of The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017).
If a business states they want to appeal the warning letter, you should explain to them that it is not an appealable decision. Explain they can raise a complaint if they are unhappy. Additional guidance on the complaints procedure can be seen in ECSH130000.
Where a sanction has been raised
Guidance on appeals, reviews and litigation, where an appealable sanction has been imposed, can be seen in ECSH90000 - Appeals and Reviews