ECSH32811 - By Phone
If making initial contact by phone is appropriate for the case you’re working, use the contact phone numbers shown within the available case management systems – RCM (ECSH32732) or Caseflow (ECSH32733).
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
You may need to ensure that the contact information hasn’t been changed within the application details in ETMP (ECSH 32731). There may be alternative contact details within other HMRC systems you have access to – see ECSH 32730. You should also try calling at different times of the day, days of the week or using different switchboard options.
If you are unable to get through using HMRC information, use open-source information to obtain an alternative number, for example the business’s website or business directories – see ECSH 32755.
Once the call connects, ensure you are speaking to an appropriate person (see ECSH 32805) before discussing any business details. Ask them to confirm some details held on the application form, for example their date of birth, national insurance number or home address, to ensure that the person is who they say they are.
If the person you need to speak to is unavailable, keep a note of the number you called and the name of the person you spoke to, their role in the business and a record of the conversation.
If you leave a message asking for a call back, this must be noted in interactions on case records – see ECSH34105.
If you make a call to a mobile number and the individual sounds like they are in a car, check to see whether they are driving, operating hands-free and can take the call. Record this in your telephone call notes.
You must record all attempts you make to speak to the business following the guidance in ECSH32830.
If you are unable to contact the business, follow the guidance in ECSH32835.
If you only have an international phone number
You must obtain approval from your manager before dialling an international number as approval for internation calling has to go through Grade 7 or above. See further guidance here.
Consider whether initial contact can be made by another method. You can request that the business phones you at a suitable time for both parties, taking into account the difference in time zones
Leaving a voicemail
If you need to leave a voicemail, you must not leave messages containing any HMRC or trader related information. You can only leave your name and a contact number.
You must follow the guidance in HMRC Security and Information Zone.
Retaining voicemail messages
It is important that you follow the guidance on recording information relating to voicemail messages. See CH203530.