ECSH33040 - Support available

You need to review your compliance check regularly to ensure that you have the right technical and specialist support to address the risks identified and complete your case.

Getting the support at the correct stage will help you avoid delay and will help to reduce the burden on the business. The below refers to technical support, for other areas of support you may need see ECSH 32925 Health and safety and other support needed.

 You should use all available written resources, see ECSH 170000, as well as information available in:

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Single point of contact (SPOC) or Ringmaster

The first port of call should be to the single point of contact (SPOC) in your team for the appropriate sector, or Ringmaster [See ECSH 32530 Role of a caseworker] if there is one for the campaign under which your case is packaged. You should also consult with your Team Leader.

Sector Specialist Team

The Sector Specialist Team is made up of Sector Specialists in each sector. If you have a query after using the above resources, (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

The Sector Specialists may also set up drop-in sessions via Teams for queries to be asked and discussed amongst peers. These are more suitable for general or quick queries and less suitable for in-depth or very complicated discussions but can be an opportunity to raise a concern which can then be discussed one to one. [See ECSH 32545 Role of Technical Team]

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Data handler

If you need help with obtaining, processing or analysing data, see ECSH 32928 Data handler.

Extra Support team

If you need help from the Extra Support team, see ECSH 32926 Extra support.

Language services

If you need help overcoming language barriers and translation services, see ECSH 32927 Overcoming language barriers.