ECSH32733 - Caseflow
Caseflow is a case management and reporting system. See ECSH34105 for how to use Caseflow to manage your case.
- Allows managers and their teams to manage the full life cycle of compliance activity.
- Allows HMRC to capture information arising from compliance checks including receipt of scanned post.
- Allows active monitoring of cases to ensure actions are taken in a timely manner and all compliance effort expended is recorded in one place. For example, all the compliance activity you take when working risks is recorded on Caseflow.
- Brings together customer data and information in one place, keeps you fully informed and enables you to handle cases more efficiently.
- Supports collaborative cross-tax working by detailing all risks and demand-led activities across tax regimes for each customer.
- Enables the input of timely and accurate records which feed into real time management reports.
- Is a key source of information to enable consistent operational and strategic reporting across HMRC.
- Creates an audit trail of the compliance work undertaken and in turn supports complaints / reviews / tribunals / Debt Management and Banking (DMB) action.
- Captures management information to effectively record case outcomes.
Caseflow for Authorisations officers
Authorisations caseworkers must use Caseflow to:
- Check for details of businesses or individuals who have previous non-compliance with HMRC, this information can assist the decision maker to determine an application for registration.
- Confirm if a Compliance caseworker has an open case and is also in contact with the business. If so, the caseworkers must avoid duplicating effort or creating additional burden on the business.