ECSH32735 - DTR
The Departmental Trader Register (DTR) is a database that holds the registration details of the large traders who are registered with HMRC for anti-money laundering supervision whose registrations have not been migrated to Enterprise Tax Management Platform (ETMP). Please note that most have now been moved to ETMP. Further guidance on large trader registration is available in ECSH 44390. For guidance on using the system if you have access, see System guidance.
DTR previously held the registration details of all businesses supervised by HMRC for anti-money laundering supervision. The registrations of businesses with less than 66 premises were required to be registered on ETMP from 2017; some did not but were still treated as registered, with details held on DTR beyond 2017.
Registration details held on DTR
The registration details held on DTR are:
- A business’ MLR number.
- A business’ trading name.
- The date a business’ application was received.
- The date a business started trading in relevant activity.
- A business’ supervision start date.
- The relevant activity being carried out by the business.
- If the business was an agent or franchise.
- Accounts with charges raised and payments made.
Pre-2017 Registration Process DTR
Prior to 2017, businesses had to register with HMRC for anti-money laundering supervision by downloading and completing an MLR100 form on a computer. The business would then print a copy of the completed form and send this to HMRC via post.
The mandatory registration details contained within the completed MLR100 form (listed above) was entered into DTR by HMRC employees.
Non-mandatory registration details contained in the MLR100 form were entered into MICRA (MLR Interventions, Compliance, Risk and Analysis). For further details on MICRA see ECSH32736.
Large trader registrations
HMRC considers a large trader for the purposes of anti-money laundering supervision to be a business that has over 66 premises. Due to system limitations, ETMP cannot store the registration information of a business that has more than 1,000 premises.
The registration details of any large trader with more than 1,000 premises are currently held on DTR.
Remember, a large trader for anti-money laundering supervision purposes is different from an HMRC large business. For more information on the criteria for Large Business, see Large Business on the Customer Compliance Group Directorate.