ECSH32732 - RCM

Registration Case Management (RCM) is part of the Caseflow suite of applications used within Customer Compliance Group (CCG). Guidance for using RCM can be found within the HMRC Guidance Hub (Ocelot). 

There is also a ‘Helpcard – How to use RCM’ in the Knowledge Library.  

As well as other HMRC teams, authorisations caseworkers use RCM to manage a business's application for anti-money laundering supervision. For more information see ECSH44381


Compliance caseworkers must check RCM to: 

  • Confirm if an authorisations caseworker has an open case and is also in contact with the business. If so, the caseworkers must avoid duplicating effort or creating additional burden on the business. It’s important for Compliance caseworkers to note the date the business is due to submit its annual declaration, as Authorisations contact is likely at that time. 
  • Review previous case notes and customer contact which may be relevant to their compliance intervention. 


RCM records: 

  • Notes and customer interactions.  
  • Deadlines for customer contact.
  • Letters and other communications stored within Documentum (please note, due to different Organisational Units, OUDN or team workbasket, compliance caseworkers may not be able to view the document store and you will need to ask authorisations to send a document if required).
  • Previous applications under the tab “linked cases”.

For any open cases on the same business follow the guidance at ECSH32720.