ECSH32830 - Recording attempts to contact

You must record details of all attempts to contact the business whether they are successful or not.

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Attempts to contact the business by phone 

Record the exact time, the number dialled, and the details of any message or voicemail leftfollowing the guidance at [link to ECSH 32811 By phone]. You may need to evidence all the times you attempted to contact the business to provide rationale for using information and inspection powers afforded by The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017) [Link to ECSH 32835 What to do if there is no response to initial contact]. As shown in ECSH 32811 Initial contact by phone guidance, you should try calling the business at different times on different days and using any alternative numbers available. 

Attempts to contact the business by email 

Consider putting a delivery receipt and read receipt on the email as evidence of whether emails are being delivered and read. 

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Attempts to contact the business by letter 

Record the dates of any letters you send, and evidence of the letter being delivered such as the Royal Mail proof of delivery

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