ECSH44950 - Duplicate fees

When a business submits an application to register for anti-money laundering supervision with HMRC, the registration fees are automatically calculated and generated based on the information it provided on its application form.

Occasionally these fees are generated incorrectly as submitting multiple amendments to a registration can result in the business being charged duplicate fees.

If you think that fees have been incorrectly charged, before contacting the relevant team, you should first compare:

  • The number of premises fees against the number of premises on Enterprise Tax Management Platform (ETMP) current and superseded forms.
  • The number of Approval fee charges against the number of beneficial owners, officers, or managers (BOOMs) on ETMP in current and superseded forms.
  • The number of fit & proper test fee charges against the number of BOOMs on ETMP in current and superseded forms.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)