ECSH44965 - When there is credit on a customer account
If a business has overpaid anti-money laundering supervision fees or charges, a credit balance will show in the business’s Enterprise Tax Management Platform (ETMP) account.
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
If a business requests that a credit amount is refunded, you must send the request to the EC-S Finance team, including details of:
- AMLS reference number (X reference number).
- Business name.
- Amount to be refunded.
- Reason for the refund.
- If the charge being refunded is an Approval check fee or Fit and Proper test fee, the caseworker should include confirmation that no testing has taken place as defined in sections on ‘Approvals Check fee’ and ‘Fit and Proper test fee’ above.
- The sort-code and account number of the bank account, to which the refund will be sent (if known).
The EC-S Finance team will then contact the business to arrange the refund.
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)