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ECSH83590 - Sanctions for non-compliance: suspension and cancellation: when a business has failed to comply with a notice under regulation 66 (power to require information)

Where the decision-maker (DM) has exercised their power to require information and has issued the relevant notice, but the business has failed to provide all the required information and/or documents within the specified timeframe a decision to suspend or cancel the business’s registration may be made.

Where the DM has exercised the power to require a person to attend before an ECS officer at a time and place specified and answer questions, but the person fails to comply with all the requirements a decision to suspend or cancel the business’s registration may be made.

A decision to suspend the registration may be made where we believe the business or person needs further time to comply with the requirements of the notice. The DM may suspend for a period of time considered appropriate; therefore, this would include appropriate time to analyse the documents and/or information provided.