EIM26100 - The benefits code: beneficial loans: contents
Part 3 Chapter 7 ITEPA 2003
EIM26101Beneficial loans: general
EIM26102When a chargeable benefit arises: taxable cheap loans
EIM26103Amount chargeable: the cash equivalent
EIM26104Amount of the official rate
EIM26105Loans in foreign currencies
EIM26106Official rates for certain foreign currencies
EIM26107When to use the sterling official rate and when a foreign currency rate
EIM26108Meaning of loan
EIM26109Identifying the loan
EIM26110Meaning of making a loan: loan made by third party - employee benefit trust
EIM26111Loans taken over from another person
EIM26112Meaning of relative
EIM26113Meaning of employment-related loan
EIM26114Exception where loan made by an individual
EIM26115Exception where loan made by an individual: continued
EIM26116Loans released or written off
EIM26132Exemptions: general
EIM26135Exemptions: contrasting treatment where some or part of the interest would qualify for relief
EIM26136Exemptions: fully qualifying loans
EIM26137Exemptions: qualifying and non-qualifying loans
EIM26140Exemptions: small loans
EIM26142Exemptions: small loans: example
EIM26145Exemptions: small non-qualifying loans
EIM26146Exemptions: small non-qualifying loans: example
EIM26150Exemptions: no benefit derived from loan to relative
EIM26152Exemptions: loans for fixed periods at fixed interest
EIM26153Exemptions: loans for fixed periods at fixed interest: example
EIM26155Advances of expenses
EIM26156Advances of expenses: consequences
EIM26158Exemption for commercial loans
EIM26159Exemption for commercial loans: what are comparable loans
EIM26160Exemption for commercial loans: meaning of substantial proportion
EIM26162Exemption for commercial loans: meaning of at or about the time
EIM26164Exemption for commercial loans: meaning of members of the public at large
EIM26170Exemption for loans varied onto commercial terms
EIM26171Exemption for loans varied onto commercial terms: continued
EIM26175Exemption for loans varied onto commercial terms: meaning of relevant loans
EIM26176Exemption for loans varied onto commercial terms: meaning of on the same terms
EIM26180Aggregation of loans
EIM26190Aggregation of loans: continued
EIM26192Elections for aggregation
EIM26198When may balances be netted off
EIM26200Cash equivalent: the averaging and the precise method
EIM26210The averaging method
EIM26212Meaning of maximum balance on a day
EIM26215Averaging method: step by step
EIM26217Number of whole months
EIM26220The average official rate
EIM26221Example of calculation of cash equivalent using the averaging method
EIM26225When to use the averaging method
EIM26230The precise method
EIM26231Precise method: step by step
EIM26235Formula for the precise method
EIM26240Election for the precise method
EIM26242Election for the precise method: time limit for election
EIM26245Precise method: consulting an Inspector
EIM26250Cash equivalent: what interest paid is taken into account
EIM26251Cash equivalent: what interest is taken into account: interest capitalised
EIM26252Cash equivalent: interest paid half yearly
EIM26253Cash equivalent: interest paid half yearly: example
EIM26255Cash equivalent: interest paid after assessment final
EIM26257Cash equivalent: late interest payments: doubts about obligation to pay
EIM26258Late interest payments: action before listing appeal
EIM26260Order of repayment of successive loans
EIM26261Order of repayment of successive loans: rule in Clayton's case
EIM26270Cash equivalent of loan treated as interest paid
EIM26280Apportionment of cash equivalent of joint and several loan to two or more chargeable employees
EIM26300List of examples
EIM26311Example of steadily reducing cheap loan
EIM26312Example of a fluctuating cheap loan account
EIM26313Example of where an Inspector should elect for the precise method
EIM26314Example of some loans subject to aggregation and others not
EIM26500Interaction between employment income and other tax charges: loans from close companies: general
EIM26505Interaction between employment income and other tax charges: director's current or loan accounts with a close company
EIM26510Interaction between employment income and other tax charges: treatment of misappropriations in company investigation cases
EIM26515Alternative finance arrangements - Islamic finance
EIM26520Loans made by superannuation funds