EIM60000 - Tax treatment of particular occupations: Cl to J
Pages in the range EIM60000 to EIM64700 cover the tax treatment of particular occupations. The occupations are listed in alphabetical order in the table below.
The Employment Status Manual (ESM) provides additional guidance on the status of workers in particular occupations.
Clergy and ministers of religion
EIM60005Type of income
EIM60007Exemption of income: overview
EIM60009Exemption of income: properties that do not qualify
EIM60011Exemption of income: summary of exempt earnings
EIM60013Exemption of income: statutory amounts and statutory deductions
EIM60014Exemption of income: Council Tax
EIM60015Exemption of income: heating, lighting, cleaning, gardening: excluded employments for 2015/2016 and earlier
EIM60020Provided living accommodation
EIM60025Gifts and similar receipts
EIM60027Easter offerings
EIM60029Fees received
EIM60040Allowable expenses: overview
EIM60042Allowable expenses: duties of a minister
EIM60044Allowable expenses: property expenses
EIM60046Allowable expenses: particular items
EIM60047Allowable expenses: particular items: continued
EIM60048Allowable expenses: domestic expenses
EIM60066Provisions of the benefits code not applicable to ministers of religion – overview
EIM60067Provisions of the benefits code not applicable to ministers of religion – working out if a minister of religion has earnings at a rate of less than £8,500 a year
EIM60068Provisions of the benefits code not applicable to ministers of religion – working out if a minister of religion has earnings at a rate of less than £8,500 a year – authorised deductions
Collegiate bodies
(Former) Customs and Excise Officers
Government and other Public Departments
EIM61000Hospital doctors: treatment of expenses: general
EIM61005Hospital doctors: treatment of expenses: use of equipment
EIM61010Hospital doctors: treatment of expenses: mileage allowance
EIM61012Hospital doctors: treatment of accommodation: pre-registration house officers
EIM61015Hospital doctors: treatment of expenses: telephone
EIM61017Hospital doctors: junior doctors on rotational contracts: travel expenses
EIM61018Hospital doctors: junior doctors on rotational contracts: training expenses and course fees
EIM61020Trainee general practitioners: car allowances
EIM61025NHS contributions and payments under retirement annuity contracts: doctors, etc. wholly in employment
EIM61030Tax treatment of payments from Local Medical Committees to part-time committee members
Educational Psychologists – trainees
Electoral Registration Officers and their staffs
Electrical contracting employees
Engineering employees
Engineering design employees
EIM62600Travelling and subsistence allowances
EIM62605Guidelines issued by the Federation of Engineering Design Companies: introduction
EIM62610Guidelines issued by the Federation of Engineering Design Companies: travelling expenses
EIM62615Guidelines issued by the Federation of Engineering Design Companies: mileage allowance
EIM62620Guidelines issued by the Federation of Engineering Design Companies: overnight subsistence
EIM62625Guidelines issued by the Federation of Engineering Design Companies: day subsistence
Entertainment industry
Fire officers
EIM63600Arrangement of guidance
EIM63610Full-time members of fire brigades in Great Britain: taxable allowances
EIM63620Part-time fire officers (retained members): taxable allowances
EIM63630Part-time fire officers (retained members): long service bounty scheme
EIM63640Full and part-time fire officers: non-taxable allowances
EIM63641Motor mileage allowances
EIM63645Motor mileage allowances paid for private journeys
EIM63650Expenses deductions: laundering uniforms
EIM63660Chargeable benefit: provided vehicles: emergency vehicle or ordinary car
Footballers: Association football
EIM64100General: arrangement of guidance
EIM64105Types of payment
EIM64110Signing-on fees
EIM64115Share of transfer fee
EIM64120Benefits and testimonials
EIM64121Tax treatment of benefits matches and testimonials given to sportspersons - changes from 6 April 2017
EIM64122Tax treatment of benefits matches and testimonials given to sportspersons – changes from 6 April 2017 – conditions for tax exemption on first £100,000 payment
EIM64123Tax treatment of benefits matches and testimonials given to sportspersons –The Sporting Testimonial Payments (Excluded Relevant Step) Regulations
EIM64124Meaning of ‘customary’
EIM64125Loyalty bonuses
EIM64130Payments for representative appearances
EIM64140Travelling expenses
EIM64141Travel in the performance of the duties
EIM64142The home ground
EIM64143Training facility
EIM64144Travel expenses: particular journeys
EIM64145Payments to non-contract and amateur players
Footballers: Rugby football
Insurance agents
EIM64600General - arrangement of guidance
EIM64605Statement of Practice SP4/97
EIM64610Trading Income cases
EIM64615Commission received by agents who are employees
EIM64620Commission and discounts available to the general public
EIM64625Invested commission
EIM64630Discounted premiums or price
EIM64635Cashbacks received by employees
EIM64640Expenses: full-time agents
EIM64650Insurance agents