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EM20000 - Technical Help

How to get more help about topics in the Enquiry Manual

This page is available to internal users only. Please use it only if you need help for topics covered by the Enquiry Manual.

The Enquiry Manual is written mainly by specialists within Tax Administration, Litigation and Advice (TALA). Our aim is to make the guidance comprehensive to help you and external customers through the enquiry process.

In most cases the Enquiry Manual will give you what you need. But not always. This page briefly explains how to get help if EM does not give you the help you need.

Stage 1 - help within your unit

Make sure you have all the relevant facts and have researched the law and internal guidance thoroughly. Then ask your manager, team leader or Technical Consultant for help.

It is important that you do this so that

  • you do not contact technical specialists with trivial or poorly researched requests, and
  • people in your management chain are aware of your problem as it may have an impact elsewhere.

Stage 2 - help from TALA

If your team leader or manager authorises you to do so, email the mailbox(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) to ask for help.