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EXPP2070 - National Export System (NES) and authorisation procedures: conditions for operating as a Designated Export Place (DEP)

The following conditions apply to DEP authorisations to:

  • maintain an electronic inventory system which is updated when a message is received from CHIEF that the goods can proceed for export. The inventory can either be one supplied by a Community Systems Provider (CSP) or an equivalent in-house system which provides the required management information, and
  • record electronically on the inventory all goods for export entering and leaving the DEP.

If non-Community goods are moved to a DEP for any other purpose than being re-exported they will also require Temporary Storage Approval.

DEPs are a national facilitation. This text is being reviewed. Export and transit policy will be reviewing DEPs authorisations to bring them in line with certain UCC requirements after the implementation of the UCC.