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EXPP3030 - International trade developments: ECS Phase 2

ECS2 Safety and Security (S&S)

Under ECS, it is the responsibility of the The Office of Export to conduct a risk analysis on each export and where necessary, it will stop export movements. This is done by validating certain data in the declaration and conducting risk analysis. In other cases the results of the analysis will be sent to the Office of Exit in the IE501 ‘goods are on their way’ message.

Fiscal (SAD) data and Safety & Security data are input into one ‘combined’ declaration in the UK. For exports, you will not be able to submit a fiscal only declaration and a separate Export summary declaration.

Traders and agents will need to provide both the current fiscal (C88) data and the new S&S data for an Exit Summary Declaration (EXS). All traders involved in international trade need to be registered and have an EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number. See EXPP3060.

Will two declarations needed to be submitted for each export?

No. Both the current fiscal (C88) data and S&S data will be input into one ‘combined’ declaration in the UK. For exports, traders/agents will not be able to submit a fiscal only declaration and a separate EXS.