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EXPP5170 - Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) export declarations: data items required in a Goods Arrival Message

A Goods Arrival Message can be either for an individual consignment Declaration UCR (DUCR) or for a consolidation Master UCR (MUCR). The message may also advise of a consolidation associating the DUCR and MUCR. Since the introduction of Export Control System (ECS) an arrival message can now also be based on a Movement Reference Number (MRN).

The Arrival Message must contain the following data:

  • Custom Entry reference - (EPU - Entry Number - Date), or
  • Declaration UCR, or
  • Master UCR if appropriate
  • Goods location code, C88 Box 30 and where appropriate
  • Shed identify if one, C88 Box 30

If all this information is not supplied then the Departure message will be ‘frustrated’ and the Status of Entry (SOE) code will default to status D indicating that the goods have been removed inland. This may affect the trader/exporter’s VAT zero rating.

Arrival of Phased Deliveries (Split Loads/Multiple Deliveries)

Frontiers Declarations

The Goods Arrival Message for frontier clearance establishes the date into Customs control. All goods, where an export declaration has goods split over multiple containers/loads separate, should be available for examination before an arrival message is submitted (especially in the case of CAP consignments).