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EXPP5240 - Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) export declarations: priority goods

Priority will be given to categories of goods normally recognised as requiring urgent treatment by their nature (eg perishable goods, live animals etc).

Although Customs will issue manual permission to progress (C130EX), this does not guarantee that export loaders will be able to process and ship the consignments (eg if their own inventory linked systems are still working). This is a commercial matter outside Customs control.

For exports via Cargo Community System -UK (CCS-UK) airports, Community Network Services (CNS) and Maritime Cargo Processing (MCP) ports and other inventory linked environments, there may also be a fallback requirement for existing entries to be associated and/or closed by the declarant on CHIEF. Where possible, declarants should make arrangements with other trade users to undertake this on their behalf. In some situations, there may be a need for Customs to undertake association of consignments to a Master UCR. Where this occurs the trader is to supply details of the correct MUCR and a list of individual DUCRs.

Goods already declared and reported as arrived at a Designated Export Place (DEP), that still have not received permission to progress must remain at the DEP until released by Customs. Goods not yet arrived to CHIEF at a DEP can either remain at the DEP (until the system is available) or be removed and arrived at a frontier location ie fallback is allowed at DEPs.

Local Clearance Procedure (LCP) consignments will be controlled on a local basis with the option of being declared at a frontier location remaining. If a trader has made a LCP declaration and undue delays occur local staff will be able to release using a C130EX where necessary.

Additional points

  • it is recommended that traders hold a master copy of forms for instances of fallback. (All forms are on the website or may be faxed through to traders from the NES helpdesk on request)
  • the only form of CAP fallback is by Customs Input Entries (CIE) on C88s and C88 (CAP) CIES presented by fax or post to the National Clearance Hub (NCH)
  • association of consignments may be made on behalf of traders by the NES helpdesk in Cardiff
  • indirect exports should notify the Movement Reference Number to the Office of Exit as soon as systems recover.