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EXPP9040 - Non statistical exports: data requirements for non statistical declaration: pre shipment notification

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Complete boxes

Box 1 First and second parts
Box 2 Exporter/consignor (details may be optional yet number required)
Box 5 Items
Box 6 Total packages
Box 8 Consignee
Box 14 Declarant
Box 17a Country of destination (code)
Box 21 Identity ID
Box 31 Packages and description of goods***, marks and numbers, container number and kind
Box 37** Customs Procedure Code
Box 40 Summary Declaration/Previous Document
Box 44 Additional information, documents produced, certificates and authorisations, UCR type of representation, BIS licensing indicator
Box 46 Statistical value (unless Non Stat item is being declared)
Box 54 Name, place and date

** Enter CPC. Do not use for dutiable or restricted

*** Conditional, see UK Tariff Volume 3

Note: When using manual declarations box 54 must be completed.