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HSTM03200 - Administration: Application to open a Help-to-Save account

An application by an individual to open a Help-to-Save account with the authorised account provider, NS&I, must be made to HMRC and satisfy the following conditions.

An application must:

a. Contain such information to be given to such persons as HMRC may specify; and

b. Incorporate a true declaration by the applicant that-

  1. The applicant has not previously opened a Help-to-Save account
  2. The applicant is an eligible person who is entitled to hold a Help-to-Save account
  3. The applicant will inform the authorised account provider if the applicant is absent from the United Kingdom resulting in the UK connection condition no longer being met; and
  4. The information contained in the application is true and complete.

HMRC must decline to accept an application if it has reason to believe that the applicant’s declaration or application is untrue, or contains matters which are untrue, and must notify the applicant within 21 days of the date of the application with its reasons for refusing the application. HMRC’s refusal of an application can be appealed by the applicant or his/her appointed person.

HMRC may use its Information Powers under Schedule 36 of the Finance Act 2008 to require individuals to provide documents or information reasonably required to carry out its function of administering the Help-to-Save Scheme.