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HSTM03300 - Administration: Circumstances where eligible person is unable to act - receivers etc.

A legally appointed person, as detailed below, may act for an eligible Help-to Save account holder for the purposes of making a declaration upon opening the account, opening a Help-to-Save account and managing a Help-to-Save account when:

a. a person is eligible for a Help-to-Save account but is unable to open and manage the account, and

b. any of the following circumstances apply:

  1. A receiver is appointed by the Court of Protection with power to open and manage a Help-to-Save account on behalf of the person
  2. In Scotland, a tutor, curator or other guardian acting or appointed in terms of law who is administering the estate of the person; or
  3. In Northern Ireland, a controller appointed by the High Court, with power to open and manage a Help-to-Save account on behalf of the person