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HMOWTR1050 - Background: What are registered owners?

These are revenue traders, based in the UK, approved and registered to hold their ownexcise goods and/or buy ‘relevant’ excise goods held in duty suspension in a UK excise warehouse. A registered owner may only sell warehoused duty suspended ‘relevant’ goods to another ‘registered owner’ or to the registered warehousekeeper for that warehouse.

Before the owner can store goods in a warehouse he must firstly be approved and registered under regulation 5 of the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations (WOWGR) 1999.

If an owner sells goods in duty suspension, ex-warehouse, they are deemed ‘the last owner of the goods whilst warehoused’ for any movement guarantee or liability purposes.

Owners must notify the relevant warehousekeeper of any transfer of ownership of goods whilst they are warehoused.