HMOWTR8000 - Sanctions: contents
HMOWTR8010What sanctions can be imposed?
HMOWTR8020Building a case for a sanction where suspect goods are found at a retail premises?
HMOWTR8030When can I assess for excise duty?
HMOWTR8040When should I raise a civil penalty?
HMOWTR8050When should goods be detained or seized?
HMOWTR8060Forfeiture table
HMOWTR8070What should be established before detaining goods?
HMOWTR8080Is seizing the goods always the best course of action?
HMOWTR8090When should additional conditions be placed on a trader’s registration?
HMOWTR8100What are examples of additional conditions that can be imposed?
HMOWTR8110When should a Commissioner’ Direction (CD) be imposed?
HMOWTR8120When should a Commissioners Direction (CD) not be imposed?
HMOWTR8130Who should be notified if a Commissioners Direction (CD) is to be imposed?
HMOWTR8140Who grants overall approval for the issue of a Commissioners Direction (CD)?
HMOWTR8150When should you consider requiring that a specific owner’s goods must be covered by a higher guarantee when they leave the warehouse?