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INCHP14050 - Other information: glossary (abbreviations)

ADD Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.\nAnti Dumping Duty
ADP Automatic Data Processing
AEO Authorised Economic Operator
AI Additional Information
BF Border Force
BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
BOI Binding Origin Information
BTI Binding Tariff Information
CAD Control and Accounting Document (90)
CAP Common Agricultural Policy
CCT Customs Common Tariff
CECAS Customs and Excise Core Accounting System
CEMA Customs and Excise Management Act 1979
CFO Central Filing Office
CFSP Customs Freight Simplified Procedure
CHIEF Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight
CIE Customs Input Entry
CLO Classification Liaison Officer
CNI Certificate of non-Importation
CNP Certificate of non-Plunder
COD Country of Dispatch
COO Country of Origin
CPC Customs Procedure Code
CTQU Central Tariff Quota Unit
DAN Deferment Approval Number
DAS Departmental Accounting System
DFD Duty Free Direction
DoE Date of Entry
DTI Direct Trader Input
DVC Delivery Verification Certificate
EDCS Electronic Data Capture Service
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EORI Economic Operator Registration Identification
EOS End of Season
EPS Entry Presentation Station
ERP Entry Record Sheets (Form C637 or C638)
EU European Union
FAS Flexible Accounting System
FAV First Available Vessel
FEC Front End Credibility
FIU Freight Intelligence Unit
GA Guarantee Account
GATT General agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GVS General Valuation Statement
IA Import Account
IBEA Intervention Board Executive Agency
ICD Inland Clearance Depot
ICS Import Control System
IMA International Mutual Assistance
INF Information Sheet / Document
IP Inward Processing
IRC Inventory Return Code
LBG Large Business Group
LGC Laboratory of the Government Chemist
LI Licence Identifier
MCD Miscellaneous Cash Deposit
MIB Merchandise in Baggage
MRC Multiple Registered Consignment
MRN Movement Reference Number
NCH National Clearance Hub
NE Not Exceeding
NIDAC National Import Duties Adjustment Centre
NIRU National Import Reliefs Unit
OCI Officially Certified Invoice
OGIL Open General Import Licence
POI Port of Importation
RBS Regional Business Services
REF Reference
RGR Returned Goods Relief
RNA Renumbered with Next Available Number
RNC Renumbered with Next Consecutive Number
SAD Single Administrative Document (C88)
SOS Start of Season
SP Special Procedures
SRF Split Reference
TA Temporary Admission
T&SO Tariff and Statistical Office
TSA Trading Standards Authority
TSO Transit Shed Operator
VAT Value Added Tax
VDU Visual Display Unit
WCO World Customs Organisation