IHTM26000 - Calculating the chargeable estate: contents
Specific gifts
Calculating the chargeable estate
IHTM26020Special rule concerning spouse or civil partner exemption
IHTM26030Calculation where residue wholly chargeable
IHTM26040Calculation where there are no specific gifts
IHTM26050Calculation where residue partly chargeable and no chargeable specific gifts
IHTM26060Calculation where there are chargeable specific gifts and residue wholly exempt
Other calculations
Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts
IHTM26081Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts: Introduction
IHTM26082Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts: Two or more gifts of an asset
IHTM26083Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts: Settled gift
IHTM26084Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts: Gift of an annuity
IHTM26085Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts: Circular situation
IHTM26086Other calculations: Step 1 - the starting value of specific gifts: Legal rights in Scotland
Other calculations: Step 2 - abatement where there are not enough assets to pay specific gifts in full
Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction
IHTM26101Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Introduction
IHTM26102Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Situations where interaction applies
IHTM26103Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Summary of the interaction provisions
IHTM26104Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Outline of the interaction procedure
IHTM26105Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Extent of examination necessary
IHTM26106Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Specific gifts of relievable property
IHTM26107Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: Anti-avoidance provisions
IHTM26108Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: The appropriate fraction
IHTM26109Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: The appropriate fraction where there are no specific gifts of relievable property
IHTM26110Other calculations: Step 3 - interaction: The appropriate fraction where there are specific gifts of relievable property
Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up
IHTM26121Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Background
IHTM26122Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: How grossing up works
IHTM26123Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: The specific gifts you should gross up
IHTM26124Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: How to decide whether specific gifts out of the free estate bear their own tax
IHTM26125Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: How to decide whether specific gifts out of settled property bear their own tax
IHTM26126Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Other property which bears its own tax
IHTM26127Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: What to do if the value of a gift is dependent upon the amount of an exemption
IHTM26128Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Initial procedure for grossing up
IHTM26129Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Grossing up where there are any reliefs due
IHTM26130Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Grossing up where there are exemptions with a value limit
IHTM26131Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Deciding which type of grossing calculation to use
IHTM26132Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: The grossing calculator
IHTM26133Other calculations: Step 4 - grossing up: Grossing up position where (additional) legacies are given under a variation accepted as within IHTA84/s142
Other calculations: Step 4 - simple grossing calculations
IHTM26141Other calculations: Step 4 - simple grossing calculations: Introduction
IHTM26142Other calculations: Step 4 - simple grossing calculations: Calculation when there is no lifetime cumulation
IHTM26143Other calculations: Step 4 - simple grossing calculations: Calculation when there is a lifetime cumulative total which is below the threshold
IHTM26144Other calculations: Step 4 - simple grossing calculations: Calculation when there is a lifetime cumulative total in excess of the threshold
Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations
IHTM26151Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Exceptions where four stage grossing is not necessary
IHTM26152Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: The four stages
IHTM26153Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Stage 1
IHTM26154Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Stage 2
IHTM26155Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Stage 3
IHTM26156Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Stage 4
IHTM26157Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Example of a four stage calculation
IHTM26158Other calculations: Step 4 - four stage grossing calculations: Example of a four stage calculation where interaction and settled property are also involved