IPTM1000 - Introduction: contents
IPTM1010About this manual
IPTM1011What is in IPTM
IPTM1012What is not in IPTM
IPTM1014How to use this manual
IPTM1015How the IPTM is different from AP and CT
IPTM1025Destination of AP, CT and RE paragraphs
IPTM1050Derivation of IPTM paragraphs
IPTM1075Legislative references: ITTOIA and ICTA
IPTM1100Fundamental concepts: what is insurance?
IPTM1105Fundamental concepts: what is an insurer?
IPTM1110Fundamental concepts: what is a policyholder?
IPTM1115Fundamental concepts: what is a life policy?
IPTM1120Fundamental concepts: what is a capital redemption policy?
IPTM1125Fundamental concepts: what is a group life policy?
IPTM1130Fundamental concepts: what is an annuity?
IPTM1135Fundamental concepts: what is a purchased life annuity?
IPTM1140Fundamental concepts: what is a structured settlement?
IPTM1145Fundamental concepts: what is sickness, disability and unemployment insurance?
IPTM1150Fundamental concepts: what are immediate needs annuities?
IPTM1200Private medical insurance: background
IPTM1300Development of policyholder taxation: historical
IPTM1310Development of policyholder taxation: chargeable events
IPTM1320Development of policyholder taxation: outline of change
IPTM1400Types of insurance policy used for investment: unit linked policies
IPTM1410Types of insurance policy used for investment: with-profits and without-profits policies
IPTM1420Types of insurance policy used for investment: guaranteed income bonds, guaranteed growth bonds and indexed bonds
IPTM1500Outline of the chargeable events regime: underlying theory
IPTM1510Outline of the chargeable events regime: part surrenders and part assignments for consideration
IPTM1520Outline of the chargeable events regime: focus on the policy, calculate the gain and attribute it
IPTM1530Outline of the chargeable events regime: types of policy and contract chargeable
IPTM1540Outline of the chargeable events regime: policies and contracts not chargeable
IPTM1550Outline of the chargeable events regime: person chargeable
IPTM1560Outline of the chargeable events regime: tax charged