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IPTM1010 - About this manual

What IPTM is for

This manual draws together taxation charges and reliefs relating to individuals, personal representatives and trustees who own the rights under life insurance policies, capital redemption policies and life annuity contracts.

Insurers’ own tax treatment, and matters relating to Lloyd’s underwriters, are dealt with in the General Insurance Manual (GIM), Life Assurance Manual (LAM) and Lloyd’s Manual (LLM). These manuals are available on the HMRC website.

IPTM is written for HMRC staff, customers and professional advisers. It will also be of interest to insurers as regards their obligations to issue chargeable event certificates and to assist in judging whether policies meet qualifying conditions. Material primarily aimed at insurers is at IPTM7000 onwards and is written from a more practical rather than comprehensive standpoint.

Customers filing tax returns may find that their information needs are adequately dealt with by the notes accompanying the return and related Help Sheets HS320 and HS321.