INTM441000 - Transfer Pricing: Transactions and Structures: Business Structures: contents
INTM441010General overview
INTM441020Tax-efficient structures
INTM441030Transferring risk
INTM441040Marketing and distribution – commissionaires: overview
INTM441050Marketing and distribution – commissionaires: practicalities
INTM441060Marketing and distribution – commissionaires: evidence gathering
INTM441070Marketing and distribution – commissionaires: challenges
INTM441080Marketing and distribution – other structures
INTM441085Marketing and distribution - "Baseline" Marketing and Distribution Activity: the Simplified and Streamlined Approach
INTM441090Manufacturing: overview
INTM441100Manufacturing: arm’s length reward
INTM441120Research and development
INTM441130Valuable intangibles
INTM441140Other legislation